THE CIVICS LESSON FROM OSAMA'S CHAUFFFERNo, LOST hasn't read every page of Hamdan v. Rumsfeld - some of Stephen King's works are shorter - but suffice it to say that, finally, somebody with some gravitas in government has stood up in the maelstrom that is the Bush Cheney Cabal Cartel Inc. - and said "NO, YOU CAN'T!" Congress hasn't done that more than once (the Dubai Ports deal stands alone) in the last 5 and a half years. The Press en banc has licked the collective boot of the Crawford Chimp and his evil Dick henchman with few dalliances, and is currently taking another savage beating over nothing with this NY Times "hates America" barrage over the revelation of bank record spying; The Democrats - THE DEMOCRATS?? Anybody home? With scant exceptions - John Conyers, Barbara Boxer and the Wisconsin Wunderkind Russ Feingold to name but a . . . well, okay the only ones, really - The Dems have acted like scared neighbors hiding behind the curtains as they watch the savage beating take place, only to dummy up when the cops finally show. Nope, the Supreme Court - Yeah those guys who Preznit McFlightsuit is trying to pack with his own psycophantic friends network of toadies, stood up and said there are limits to Presidential power. And they did this all on behalf of bin Laden's driver. Perhaps they did this out of atonement for putting the stammering fool there to begin with, but LOST doubts it.
The Court's action is what our country is supposed to be all about - the rule of law, checks and balances, not balancing blank checks on the pinheads of the Congressional Majority. But what was that we heard today? Senator Frist - you remember. "I'm-a-doctor-but-I-diagnose-from-TV" - has already weighed in saying "here's my draft permission slip to you Monkey man, hold yer kangaroo tribunals any way you see fit." Add that to the cacaphony rising among cheese samich Repubs who are already parrot-chatting about the "Treasonous Times," unfettered by the cumbersome need of knowing what they're talking about, and we're left wondering if anyone really understands the Civics lesson anymore? Is Civics only what Dick Cheney says it is? Rumsfeld? Rice? Or should these people be tossed out on their ears and into a marble and maple Federal Courtroom someplace? WIth them lies the treason; they've subverted our 200 year old system of government for their own selfish aggrandizement of power and influence. How do you plead, DicK? For that matter, how the hell do you sleep?
THE YEAR OF BLOGGING DANGEROUSLY? Today marks the end of year one and the beginning of year two of the Lost in a Sea Blog. Well, LOST IN A SEA didn't save the world, make it safe from BushCheney lies or creeping oligarchy. Hopefully it provided some laughs, some insights and a little food for thought to all of its 4 or 5 loyal readers. Truthfully, LOST Never thought this would go on for so long, or that it could stay fun. It surely couldn't stay too focused, and former English teachers and professors would shrug and sigh at some of the punctuation and run-on sentences; LOST has used this to maintain a valued grip on reality in a world where that seems to shift and twist at the hands of those who hold the White House, K Street, and the Fortune 100 in the palms of their hands. For that alone it has more than served its purpose, and year two promises to be even more chock full of fun, games, snide comments, and made up names for the slimiest of slimies in the Bush Cheney Cabal incorporated. Yeah, the BCCI Hey, now why does that acronym sound so familiar, and so natural in the context of Bush and Darth Cheney? Have to give that one some thought and get back to you . . .
The more one reads about the recently announced, foiled plot to "blow up the Sears Tower," the more one gets the sinking feeling that the Mayberry Machievellis have once again prevailed upon their press lapdogs to feed the country a dish of frosted-turds-labeled-as-tiramisu.
These seven guys had no money. They had no weapons, they were either un or under employed. They didn't sound terribly erudite. They got it into their heads that they wanted to do something destructive, and "pledged allegiance to Al Qaeda," but they had zero means to put these wishes or desires into effect. Yet for more than 2 days, this story dominated the airwaves last week, with the cable news rubes making it sound as though Al-barney Fife-zales

had personally pulled them off the jetway on their would-be fateful flight to Second City. Well, at least the evil hacks in the Bush cabal neglected to do one thing - pin this war on terror "success" on the Constitutional-mockery that is their warrantless domestic spying program.
GREETINGS FROM, AH, MICHIGAN Maybe its the resonating strains of Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" sloshing about the LOST brain, but the heaviness in this morning's air, the far off rumble that isn't the Marine Corps Air Station, the steel grey skies, those big droplets of steamy warm rain splashing down. Wait a minute! Hadn't our local weather hacks all-too-gleefully announced that an oppressive heatwave was hurtling toward us, destined to bring triple digit temps with it? Head for the shade via the Sunscreen and the cold bevs? Yeah its stifling out there. But the grey does not yield, it holds back the sun and parboils the sky and land beneath it, and then, it strikes LOST squarely. If you can't visit the Midwest, no worries. It will visit YOU!!!!!! Damn, and me without a kayak.
THESE RIGHTY WHACKJOB FRIENDS O'MINE Yes, LOST has some mighty fine mighty right friends. One keeps LOST peppered with the strangest of drek- pure and simple - to justify this idiotic Iraq disaster. This week, LOST's friend sent an e-mail which announced, somewhat obliquely "World War III started in November 1979" For those who may not remember the reference, that is when the "Iranian Students" stormed the US embassy and took 52 Americans hostage, and held them for 444 days.
This meandering piece of grassy knollerism meanders through every event since that has involved the U.S. and any group of non-Israeli Middle Easterners, intending to show a pattern of organized and coordinated agression by a united Arab world against the U.S., and each time that the U.S. did not respond with massive retaliation, this unknown author says "we hit the snooze button." The funniest portions of this very unfunny, ignorant diatribe include the attempt to blame Bill Clinton for things that happened in the 1980s, and the point near the end where it chides skeptical readers who "slept through History Class." Well, LOST never was quite fortunate enough to have a History class where the maestro passed out enough potent Ganja to create the paranoia omipresent in this piece, but LOST don't remember this series of events as being anything more than a disjointed collection of terrorist acts committed by various and sundry groups of splinter entities. Period. The saddest thing about this stupid diatribe is the part where it likens a pullout from Iraq - a country which we were told had WMDs but didn't. A country we were told was linked to Al Qaida and it wasn't, a country we were told threatened us and it couldnt - to "hitting the snooze button" again. Its damn time for these Rush O'Spammity listeners to turn off their radios and call their recruiting offices and sign the hell up. If its such a damn good idea, if Iraq is progressing toward Desert Disney - as the Busheviks repeatedly testa-lie to - then these thick skulled schmucks need to jine up.
Now, the best li'l gem LOST received this week came from the hand of an actual friend and former neighbor to LOST, and this person actually penned this about Iraq:me boy - I realize you are not upset at me, but you are upset.
Companies, corporations get rich all over the world, yet you find
pleasure in aiming your anti-Freudian arrows at this administration.
Stand back and take a good look at how little affect this all is on the
big picture. (spiritually) Does it all really matter? Are we making
lives better or worse in your mind? Lord knows! When educated people can actually spew this kind of garbage without gagging on the noxiously malignant stench of greed and selfishness contained therein, LOST wonders if it isn't time to move to Dublin and open up a pub.
SUNDAY STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS, THE FATHERS’ DAY EDITION Go see “An Inconvenient Truth” and you will understand two things – one, that global warming is not subject to a debate among academics, and two, Al Gore really has no intention of running for Prez in ’08 – it would take away from his day job of trying to save the planet . . . bravo John Murtha – again – for calling Karl Rove the fat assed chickenhawk that he is – free-wheeling with the lives of others . . . coming to the realization that this blogging stuff really changes nothing at all by itself. One still has to get down in the trenches and armtwist . . . when you go see an educational flick like “Truth,” even the trailers are better, too – not a car chase in the whole bunch . . . nothing is more important than being a good parent to your kids . . . all of the business world is about negotiations, at least among the rational folks. The crazies want blood, and the rabid ideologues want to venerate principle. These are often known by their other name, “Losers.” . . . There are fewer than 40 shopping days until Del Mar . . . there are fewer than 90 shopping days until Bruin Football returns . . . Happy Birthday Sir Paul,
we’ll still feed you, now that you are 64, but really, with your bank you should be pickin’ up the tab . . .
GREAT NEWS FOR A MONDAY Okay, okay, Monday is usually a bad news day, but did you catch this article?For many men, a finding by Oregon researchers sounds too good to be true: an ingredient in beer seems to help prevent prostate cancer, at least in lab experiments. The trouble is you'd theoretically have to drink about 17 beers a day for any potential benefit. And no one's advising that. Researchers at Oregon State University say that the compound xanthohumol, found in hops, inhibits a protein in the cells along the surface of the prostate gland. The protein acts like a switch that turns on a variety cancers, including prostate cancer.
Okay, well, if you caught that one, maybe you saw this little beauty from Yahoo News, by way of Kaiser Permanente Could Irish coffee be the perfect drink? Researchers reported on Monday that drinking coffee cuts the risk of cirrhosis of the liver from alcohol -- by 22 percent per cup each day -- but they stopped short of saying doctors should prescribe coffee for that reason. The report from the Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program in Oakland, California, was based on a look at data from 125,580 people
Damn, Screw that "apple a day" claptrap. Off to the nearest Liquor store, one of them 18 packs, then a quick trip to Starbucks for 5 venti Espressos. The true way to live forever!!!!!!! Who says there's never any good news anymore?
A REACTIONARY'S MORONIFESTOIn LOST'S day time existence, a well meaning, decently dispositioned client has added LOST to her personal bcc e-mail list of right wing hate and discontent. Yesterday, LOST received a written Rant by one of the dark spots of the local AM radio dial, a tinpot audio dictator with a mind like a Razr phone - narrow and closed . The "gentleman's" name is Rick Roberts, and his moronifesto reads as follows. LOST'S observerations will appear in a different color. Rick's original Moronifesto text will appear in Brown - not because it's been his favorite color of late, no, not that. Its more because brown suggests a certain class of odors which one may typically associate with a spiel like Rick's - and no, LOST does not mean Chocolate. I don’t mean to go off on a rant here, but here’s the bottom line, I want my country back.
I want my kids to be able to walk to the store or walk to school without being abducted by some 3-time convicted child molester. And the politically correct powers that be in this country just can’t seem to get over themselves with “CAN’T WE JUST HELP THIS PERSON!” No! You can’t. But they’re let loose to prey on more children.
I want my kids back. I want my country back. Well Rick, ever hear of Three Strikes? California invented it, and when felons get that third strike they DO go away. Forever. Your scenario makes no sense for a radio host in California, unless you want to stir up irrational emotions. I don’t agree with everything this President does. I’ve never agreed with anything 100% that any President has done or said. REALLY Rick? When have you EVER criticized this President, or allowed a critic of this President to speak on your show? How about Reagan? Ever made any criticisms of Reagan, Rick? How bout that Lebanon thing? What about Iran Contra? What about raising taxes? What about Ann Burford and the Superfund Scandal? BCCI? Ringing any bells Rick? You know, I was very young during the Vietnam War. So I probably missed that thing by a hair. I don’t know whether I would have agreed with that or not at the time. I was too stupid to have an opinion at that point and time even though I thought I did.
I want my country back. Rick! What the HELL does that mean? You thought you had an opinion but you were too stupid to know???????? That doesn't make any sense. And you're a trained lawyer, from Texas. Sounds like double talk Rick I want some semblance of respect for authority, whether I agree with it all or not. Would that be like the Respect for Presidential Authority that was shown to Clinton? Does that Respect for Authority include hand picking audiences, and tossing out anyone who might disagree? Does that mean relocating those with differing opinions to locations blocks away? Is dissent intolerable? Wouldn't we be drinking tea at 4pm, or speaking German without dissent, Rick? I want the Boy Scouts to be “boy” scouts, not boy and “we think she’s a girl” scouts. I want Girl Scouts to be “girl” scouts not Girl Scouts and “Bruce.” Careful, Rick, The homos are coming to get you and turn you and love you, Rick!!!!!! Run, run run away, Rick. BTW, the boy scouts are still run the way you like 'em Rick. Don't worry, the gays in the Scouts are still there, they just keep quiet. Just like they do in the Military, and (for the most part) in the GOP I want my country back. I want to be able to wake up in the morning knowing that I can walk outside without some gang-banger on parole taking my life. I'm sure that's a real danger where you live, Rick. Or being able to go down and purchase a car without having to worry about you know 90% of the parts being made overseas in some sweatshop. Oh, so now you care about American jobs, Rick? Why do you hate unions, then, Rick? Ever worked on an assembly line, Rick? A hopeless, endless parade of sameness and the same set of tasks done hundreds of times a day. Think you could handle that Rick? How bout for minimum wage and no benefits, Rick? Don't see you doing that.I want my politicians, when they finally do get my vote, to do what the hell they said they were going to do in the first place. I want the Abramoff’s of the world to be labeled what they are…nothing more than organized crime in a better suit. Well Rick, Who's side was Abramoff's largesse benefiting? Say it Rick. He was a GOP consigliere. Now, that doesn't mean that slime isn't on both sides of the aisle, but why do guys like you try to lie and twist that?I want the Hollywood elite to make movies to entertain me. Not use their celebrity to sway me politically one way or the other. Quite honestly, if you’re a has-been-pseudo-celebrity I want you to go away quietly, so that I can remember you fondly through your “artiste work” that’s left in the archives. Does that mean Bruce Willis, Mel Gibson and Governor Schwarzenegger, too? Or only the celebs who don't agree with you Rick? I want people to say something and when they say something look at me in the eye. And mean what they say. Not say what they think I want to hear. And then do what they want to later politically or any other way.
Rick, I'll look you in the eye and tell you that you're a phony, whipping up hateful hysteria among people who mainly don't know any better, and a handful or two who really ought to know better. I want to be able to go out and work and make a decent wage and buy a home. Half the people that are listening to me right now can’t even afford to buy a house unless they’re working three jobs. Rick, I'll look you in the eye and tell you that you're a phony, whipping up hateful hysteria among people who mainly don't know any better, and a handful or two who really ought to know better. And I want America to be America. All of those opportunities, all of those things that made her great, I want those returned to the forefront. If you want to come to this country we welcome you with open arms. We simply ask that you abide by our laws. I don’t want you to snub your nose at our laws, then take advantage of our opportunities, and then cling to the constitution most of which you can’t even read because you don’t speak the language. Gee Rick, how does repealing the Estate Tax (oh, I forgot, y'all quaintly renamed it the "Death Tax") promote "all those opportunities" of which you speak? If you concentrate wealth or allow it concentrate in fewer hands, assuming scarce resources, "opportunities" start doing their dodo bird impression.
And, Rick, just for grins, ask your audience to sit down and name all the Supreme Court Justices, or all ten of the Bill of Rights. Then ask them who won American Idol or NASCAR last year. Hell, the new CIA director was in a Congressional hearing earlier this year, and persistently misstated the content and meaning of the 4th Amendment (you remember, Rick, that's the one that deals with "search and seizure" and this was the guy in charge of the NSA spying program for years - AN AIR FORCE GENERAL!! Ignorance of the Constitution is a cross-cultural phenomenon - there's plenty of guilt in all races, creeds, and national origins.I want us to secure our borders because the country is worth securing. The people that live here are worth protecting. How do you reduce supply of illegal labor, wihhout curtailing demand, Rick? Impose stiff penalties on ANYONE who hires illegal immigrants as workers, be they the housewife next door or the CEO of HalliburtonI want some semblance of what this country used to be.
It’s worth protecting. It’s worth defending.
I don’t recognize this country anymore.
Not politically, not philosophically, not spiritually. The country you're nostalgic for existed only in your warped memory,Rick.Whether you like it or whether you don’t God was a part of building this great nation. To remove him is to take away the very foundation of what this country was all about. People don't object to God, They object to the hideous fascistic bigoted re-casting of God by extremist elements in this country.I don’t care about your political correctness!
I don’t want to know your sexual preference!
Tell it to the Senate, who spent time during a disatrous war and a spiraling economoic deficit trying to impose discrimination into the Constitution.I could care less about all of that. Stop making it the headline of the day!
That’s not America. I want my country back!
And the only way I’m ever going to be able to get this country back is if I reach out to the brothers and the sisters that all feel the same way and we say “Hell No! You can’t have our country.” It’s not for sale! Take the price tag off this country!
Take the price tag off the heads of our children! Stop it already! The politically-correct-psychobabble-hug-a-tree-experts ; You are not qualified to release sex offenders back into our neighborhoods.
The southern border, more than any other border, needs to be secured tomorrow. For all those that wish to come to this country to take advantage of her opportunity, to live under a constitution a living document that breathes in and out just like you do, this country is not for sale. I should know. I’m one of the owners. You can’t sell it without my permission.
I want my country back! Your crowd is humming now Rick, humming and drumming their fingers to the beat of your rabid histrionics. I want my country back, Rick. The Country that used to look at the opinions of people like you and laugh, because Carroll O'Connor and Redd Fox made this kind of narrowness funny playing Archie Bunker and Fred Sanford. You just venerate this kind of ignorance.
Rick, you are the same guy who spent months on your talk show luridly delving into the "swinging lifestyle" of a couple whose child was molested and murdered. You're the same guy who made fun of the UN weapons inspectors in 2003, as they tried to get word to our country - through the cacaphony of rightwing radio Bullshit purveyed by you and your kind - that Iraq was NOT buildiing, hiding, stockpiling or even wet-dreaming about Weapons of Mass Destruction. You used to spit the name "Hans Blix" with a palpable tone of disgust in your voice. Where's your apology? Where's your shame? LOST ain't holding breath waiting, but LOST believes you will answer for your complicity in that movement one day.
You want the price tags off, to make room for the promissory notes? That's right, Rick. Waging war and slashing taxes is mortgaging our kids' future, the same way doing nothing to preserve the environment is doing the same. We're stealing from them to underwrite our own comfort, and guys like you ignore that. You must be so proud of yourself. Rick.
Dedicated to all of those who hated Civics, History and the rest of the Social Sciences. You know who you are - you can name every "American Idol" winner but you don't know the names of 5 of the 9 Supreme court Justices, or more than 5 of the original ten amendments of the Bill of Rights.
Once every two years
Like a bolt from the blue
Its ominous muzak
And sepia hued
Tales of evil
So horrid and rank
Abound on the TV
From pundits and cranks
Your candidate’s evil
Eats puppies, kills fish
Your party’s corrupted
And eats dirt from a dish
But look over here,
At my sandwich its grand
The bread may be moldy,
The cheese may be bland
But its wholesome its pleasing
Its comfort - here’s why
Cause its always the same
And I don’t have to pry
I love my Cheese Sandwich
Call it Bilbray or Duke
I’d order no other
The mere thought makes me puke
Thought? How could you?
Oh have you been drinking
Give me my cheese sandwich,
Its easier than thinking
Don’t ask me tough questions
I’ll tell you know lies
But with my Cheese Sandwich
There’ll be no surprise
No abnormal worries
No fluxes to boot
There’ll be no more changes
Just sameness, now scoot
And I won’t have to read
No issues to study
Just look for that Letter
And “poof” its my buddy
My dear old cheese Sandwich
it never goes stale
Except when indicted
And winds up in jail
But after feigned outrage
I’ll wise up and quick
And pick out a new one
My Cheese Sandwich Schtick
SUNDAY STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS Perhaps its the two Range Rovers with the "For Sale By Owner" signs on them parked at the back entrance to LOST's li'l closed society 'hood, but aren't Garage Sales the apex of the Seven Deadlies Combo Plate? After all, there's GREED (I got it first and used it when it was new, but now I wanna make a few bucks off my leftovers), PRIDE (It used to be Mine, and I took such good care of it that I know you'll want it too), SLOTH (hell, I'm not gonna truck it goodwill or the dump, I'll just slide it into my driveway, and you can buy it from there, and smattering of LUST/EXTRAVAGANCE (looky what I had, don't you wish you were me?, heck, maybe even a little ENVY (in reverse) tossed in for good measure, too. If you used it up, take it to the dump. Donate it to charity (there's probably a bigger charitable deduction available than any amount obtainable from the sale), but don't be delusional and think that everyone else will want your leftovers . . . Tuesday this little land of Cheese-Sandwich-partisan-Fundavaneglical-Christo-Bushies will decide if they can stomach another cookie cutter Republican, or if they'll go off the board and vote for Francine Busby to fill the last six months of the empty seat in Congress. The realist in LOST says Busby goes down in a close vote . . . God Bless Robert F. Kennedy Jr., for giving an air of legitimacy to the cries of people (Mrs. LOST included) that have consistently questioned the shenanigans that passed for election activity in Ohio in 2004. It ain't about seeking a do-over or a re-call at this point. Its about raising awareness that a big part of the mess - these hackable, tamperprone touch screen voting machines - are still as predominant as toadstools and roaches, and must be disposed of if we're to restore integrity to the process. Thank you, Rolling Stone magazine, too, for lending your name to this important issue . . . LOST doesn't know a single married couple whose marriage has any reason to be afraid of civil unions for same sex couples, yet all the nutballs trying to force this issue forward talk of 'defending marriage." You want to defend marriage? Create a minimum betrothment period on the front end, and eliminate no-fault divorce on the back end. If gay people want to avail themselves of community property issues, spousal support, unwinding of pension/retirement benefits and all of the other wonderful things that statistically await 50% of those who get married (at the back end of the relationship) let 'em knock themselves out . . . Attention mexi-bigots, there'll be no mass deportation by either side in this country, so stop talking about it. You want to get this issue under better control? Here's the LOST plan:
(A) 2 tracks for those already here, with an 18 month sign up period. Both tracks get a 36 month permit to work/stay. Track 1 leads to citizenship if you learn English, keep your nose clean, and pay a fine of $2,500 - 3,000 (over time if necessary). Track 2 gets to go home at the end of the 36 months, but still must keep their noses clean.
(B) Anyone not signed up for either track after 18 months is deported upon being located, and anyone employing such persons is jailed for a minimum of 12 months, with a fine no less than $10,000 for an individual, $100,000 for a business employing 1 - 20 people; $500,000 for business employing 21 - 100 people; $1,000,000 for any employer with more than 100 employees, and not less than $1,000,000, but to be determined by the Court if the employing company is publicly traded.
(C) Economic and diplomatic pressure upon Mexico, Honduras, Costa Rica, Guatemala to house, employ, and/or humanely treat their own underprivileged populations, with graduated sanctions phased in if targeted reductions in illegal immigration from each country are not met;
(D) Build a reinforced wall along the Southern border with Mexico, and properly staff it. There has to be shared sacrifice and disincentives for some kind of workable immigration control mechanism to work, but like so many other issues in this country, the well off won't want to share the burden - - can anyone say "Ribbon Magnets saying 'Support Immigration Reforms' stuck on the back of Lexus's and Mercedes?" . . .
. . . Are we supposed to be grateful that gas prices have slid marginally toward 3 bucks a gallon the last 2 weeks? Clearly the oil companies think we're all stupid enough to react in such fashion . . . and, instead of looking for high tech solutions, GM is giving people subsidized gasoline for a year as an incentive to buy fuel guzzling SUVs? That looks ominously like amore generous version of Senator Cat-killer's hundred buck rebate. All it does is externalize the costs of the automaker's bad decision making, and does nothing to get these inefficient road-hogs off the highways.
Thanks in part to the presence of people like Andrew Greeley within it, LOST can still maintain a tenuous hold on the faith of the Fathers, one which is neither threatened nor weakened by the da Vinci Code or same sex civil unions, Wars on Christmas or any other right wing pinatas created by those of the Loofalafel mindset. In this week's column, which you can find here, Greeley drives home the point that we all should be pondering, now more than ever. Borrowing an idiom from a generation and a half ago, Greeley tells it like it is:I will leave to God the most merciful, the most compassionate, to decide about the moral guilt of Messrs. Bush and Rumsfeld. Doubtless they acted with good intentions and confidence that God was on their side. In the objective order, however, the only one we can know, they are in part responsible for the murders at Haditha. I doubt that they will be troubled by the TV clip of the young girl who hid under the bed while the Marines executed her family.
They will never be held to this responsibility. The buck no longer stops in the Oval Office, as it did in President Truman's day, or at the Pentagon. It stops with the young men who cracked under strain and their superiors who tried to cover it up. They will be punished and the leadership of the country will proclaim their own great virtue for serving justice. They will not ask themselves, nor will the country ask them, if they might be in part responsible for war crimes.
As for the cover-up, I am part of a group of men who covered up for abusive brother priests. In great part we deny responsibility for what our colleagues did, even though we knew about it or should have known about it. And our leaders, our commanding officers, if you will, still exercise their offices and still presume to prescribe proper morality for the laity.
No one is responsible anymore. For anything. God Bless you, Father G. Thanks for telling it like it is.