Saturday, June 24, 2006


Maybe its the resonating strains of Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" sloshing about the LOST brain, but the heaviness in this morning's air, the far off rumble that isn't the Marine Corps Air Station, the steel grey skies, those big droplets of steamy warm rain splashing down. Wait a minute! Hadn't our local weather hacks all-too-gleefully announced that an oppressive heatwave was hurtling toward us, destined to bring triple digit temps with it? Head for the shade via the Sunscreen and the cold bevs? Yeah its stifling out there. But the grey does not yield, it holds back the sun and parboils the sky and land beneath it, and then, it strikes LOST squarely. If you can't visit the Midwest, no worries. It will visit YOU!!!!!! Damn, and me without a kayak.


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