Go see “An Inconvenient Truth” and you will understand two things – one, that global warming is not subject to a debate among academics, and two, Al Gore really has no intention of running for Prez in ’08 – it would take away from his day job of trying to save the planet . . . bravo John Murtha – again – for calling Karl Rove the fat assed chickenhawk that he is – free-wheeling with the lives of others . . . coming to the realization that this blogging stuff really changes nothing at all by itself. One still has to get down in the trenches and armtwist . . . when you go see an educational flick like “Truth,” even the trailers are better, too – not a car chase in the whole bunch . . . nothing is more important than being a good parent to your kids . . . all of the business world is about negotiations, at least among the rational folks. The crazies want blood, and the rabid ideologues want to venerate principle. These are often known by their other name, “Losers.” . . . There are fewer than 40 shopping days until Del Mar . . . there are fewer than 90 shopping days until Bruin Football returns . . . Happy Birthday Sir Paul,

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