Sunday, November 30, 2014


Hello Old Friend . . . really good to see you once again . . . so much has happened, and so much has been hyped . . . we're still here, the Blackocalypse has not happened, after 6 years of President Birth Certificate!  Shocking,  purely shocking . . . the LA Times reports today that much is needed to update the 30 year old Nuclear arsenal, including an incantation that the incoming (crazed) GOP Congress may consider this a great time to modernize the nukes.  Here's an idea,  people don't aspire to America to be near modern nukes.  They DO come here for the freedom, the choices, the conveniences we take for granted (think roads, power, water, and wastewater) and boy isn't it about time those things were invested in again as well? . . .  Rick Perry still thinks he's a Presidential candidate.  No, he's not talking about the Mickey Mouse Club, not even sure he should be . . . lower your expectations, Rick.  You are, after all, a textbook (you know, those things that you black out and burn in Texas) Doofus ... Why, at long last, won't Lindsay Graham come out of the closet? . . . Advent again, so soon?  Alll aging should be graceful,  not fraught with pain, uncertainly, clumsiness.  Unless that is part of the purification rite for the next level - whatever that may entail . . . My friend and former mentor Ronald G. was right:  "once again, Greed has reared its ugly head."  Greed has so many heads it might as well be the Hydra . . .  STFU, Glenn Beck and Alex Jones - you too, Savage.  Meds,  that's what you all need . . . Pope Francis, you're overdue.  You were needed back in the late 70's, so keep trying to make up for lost time.   Honor Christmas in your Heart and keep it all the year - that means live Matthew 25 - feed the hungry, house the homeless, clothe the naked, cheer up the prisoners, make the depressed laugh.  Most of all, do them all, right? Ain't that the challenge?  Intervene for the greater good ... everyone's calling, isn't it?


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