Sunday, May 02, 2010


Never made it to Nawlins for a shrimp po'boy, have to wait until the next life now . . . why do those F*ckers from BP sound like they have no frickin' clue how to stanch the viscous bleeding from the sea floor? Is it, perhaps, because they don't? And if they don't what business does anyone have drilling in open seawater for oil? For as crappy a President as he was, if we had only listened to Carter in '79 we'd be thirty one years further ahead in the effort to kick our Petro-habits, right? Where's the comely Alaskan Moron MILF now, as regards her one time mantra, "Drill Baby Drill?" Nothing to say, perhaps because Frank Luntz and Karl Rove haven't sent out the fax yet . . . if I was Albert Pujols, would I make the road trip the first time the Saint Louis Cardinals go to play the D-bags in Phoenix? Ahh, no. Hey, Mr. President, can we stop talking about bi-partisanship now? They've been so cooperative up to this point. Show us all that elections have consequences, please. That includes ending the stupid wars started by your predecessor. Reality TV's Warholian fifteen minutes were up years ago, please heed the call program directors! At last night's movie night, LOST and the Mrs. were treated to 5 previews and yes, every one of them had an EXPLOSION in them. A Movie version of "The A-Team?" A re-make of "Red Dawn?" They're calling us stupid without words and we just sit there and drool into super sized popcorn tubs. Hey, Pope Ratzo, every day you stay in power, you hurt your Mother. Go away already, and take the rest of the collared fascists with you on the way out the door