In a fawning article about the last President, and his Vigorous mountain bike rides with wounded veterans - people whose injuries were the direct result of his decisions to start two lengthy wars, the author actually compared Bush's post-presidential life with that of Jimmy Carter, who has spent his post-presidency building houses for the poor and homeless all over the world. So, LOST posted this one at HP, and got the dreaded "This comment is pending review . . . blah blah blah . . . which HP frequently reserves for any article about Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter, and yes, this scarlet ibis former Preznit of ours. Offensive? Violative of "community standards?" You decide: This state of "not being haunted by demons" of his past decisions may also be explained by the utter lack of a conscience. And for what its worth, former President Carter isn't building homes for people whom his decisions made homeless. That's where the "comparison" stops. How about giving this President what he says he wants, and don't do any more stories about him ever again? Will it be scrubbed by the Huffers? We'll have to see. But it is not profane, and other than ruffling the opinions of some very myopic partisans on the right, it's not so offensive as it is factual.
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