The more one reads about the recently announced, foiled plot to "blow up the Sears Tower," the more one gets the sinking feeling that the Mayberry Machievellis have once again prevailed upon their press lapdogs to feed the country a dish of frosted-turds-labeled-as-tiramisu.
These seven guys had no money. They had no weapons, they were either un or under employed. They didn't sound terribly erudite. They got it into their heads that they wanted to do something destructive, and "pledged allegiance to Al Qaeda," but they had zero means to put these wishes or desires into effect. Yet for more than 2 days, this story dominated the airwaves last week, with the cable news rubes making it sound as though Al-barney Fife-zales

had personally pulled them off the jetway on their would-be fateful flight to Second City. Well, at least the evil hacks in the Bush cabal neglected to do one thing - pin this war on terror "success" on the Constitutional-mockery that is their warrantless domestic spying program.
I love these pictures! If I didn't know better, I would wonder if you were related to Confucus (sp?)! They do speak a thousand words!. Right on
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