Sunday, June 25, 2006


Today marks the end of year one and the beginning of year two of the Lost in a Sea Blog. Well, LOST IN A SEA didn't save the world, make it safe from BushCheney lies or creeping oligarchy. Hopefully it provided some laughs, some insights and a little food for thought to all of its 4 or 5 loyal readers. Truthfully, LOST Never thought this would go on for so long, or that it could stay fun. It surely couldn't stay too focused, and former English teachers and professors would shrug and sigh at some of the punctuation and run-on sentences; LOST has used this to maintain a valued grip on reality in a world where that seems to shift and twist at the hands of those who hold the White House, K Street, and the Fortune 100 in the palms of their hands. For that alone it has more than served its purpose, and year two promises to be even more chock full of fun, games, snide comments, and made up names for the slimiest of slimies in the Bush Cheney Cabal incorporated. Yeah, the BCCI Hey, now why does that acronym sound so familiar, and so natural in the context of Bush and Darth Cheney? Have to give that one some thought and get back to you . . .


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