Friday, June 30, 2006


No, LOST hasn't read every page of Hamdan v. Rumsfeld - some of Stephen King's works are shorter - but suffice it to say that, finally, somebody with some gravitas in government has stood up in the maelstrom that is the Bush Cheney Cabal Cartel Inc. - and said "NO, YOU CAN'T!" Congress hasn't done that more than once (the Dubai Ports deal stands alone) in the last 5 and a half years. The Press en banc has licked the collective boot of the Crawford Chimp and his evil Dick henchman with few dalliances, and is currently taking another savage beating over nothing with this NY Times "hates America" barrage over the revelation of bank record spying; The Democrats - THE DEMOCRATS?? Anybody home? With scant exceptions - John Conyers, Barbara Boxer and the Wisconsin Wunderkind Russ Feingold to name but a . . . well, okay the only ones, really - The Dems have acted like scared neighbors hiding behind the curtains as they watch the savage beating take place, only to dummy up when the cops finally show. Nope, the Supreme Court - Yeah those guys who Preznit McFlightsuit is trying to pack with his own psycophantic friends network of toadies, stood up and said there are limits to Presidential power. And they did this all on behalf of bin Laden's driver. Perhaps they did this out of atonement for putting the stammering fool there to begin with, but LOST doubts it.

The Court's action is what our country is supposed to be all about - the rule of law, checks and balances, not balancing blank checks on the pinheads of the Congressional Majority. But what was that we heard today? Senator Frist - you remember. "I'm-a-doctor-but-I-diagnose-from-TV" - has already weighed in saying "here's my draft permission slip to you Monkey man, hold yer kangaroo tribunals any way you see fit." Add that to the cacaphony rising among cheese samich Repubs who are already parrot-chatting about the "Treasonous Times," unfettered by the cumbersome need of knowing what they're talking about, and we're left wondering if anyone really understands the Civics lesson anymore? Is Civics only what Dick Cheney says it is? Rumsfeld? Rice? Or should these people be tossed out on their ears and into a marble and maple Federal Courtroom someplace? WIth them lies the treason; they've subverted our 200 year old system of government for their own selfish aggrandizement of power and influence. How do you plead, DicK? For that matter, how the hell do you sleep?


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