Friday, June 23, 2006


Yes, LOST has some mighty fine mighty right friends. One keeps LOST peppered with the strangest of drek- pure and simple - to justify this idiotic Iraq disaster. This week, LOST's friend sent an e-mail which announced, somewhat obliquely "World War III started in November 1979" For those who may not remember the reference, that is when the "Iranian Students" stormed the US embassy and took 52 Americans hostage, and held them for 444 days.
This meandering piece of grassy knollerism meanders through every event since that has involved the U.S. and any group of non-Israeli Middle Easterners, intending to show a pattern of organized and coordinated agression by a united Arab world against the U.S., and each time that the U.S. did not respond with massive retaliation, this unknown author says "we hit the snooze button." The funniest portions of this very unfunny, ignorant diatribe include the attempt to blame Bill Clinton for things that happened in the 1980s, and the point near the end where it chides skeptical readers who "slept through History Class." Well, LOST never was quite fortunate enough to have a History class where the maestro passed out enough potent Ganja to create the paranoia omipresent in this piece, but LOST don't remember this series of events as being anything more than a disjointed collection of terrorist acts committed by various and sundry groups of splinter entities. Period. The saddest thing about this stupid diatribe is the part where it likens a pullout from Iraq - a country which we were told had WMDs but didn't. A country we were told was linked to Al Qaida and it wasn't, a country we were told threatened us and it couldnt - to "hitting the snooze button" again. Its damn time for these Rush O'Spammity listeners to turn off their radios and call their recruiting offices and sign the hell up. If its such a damn good idea, if Iraq is progressing toward Desert Disney - as the Busheviks repeatedly testa-lie to - then these thick skulled schmucks need to jine up.

Now, the best li'l gem LOST received this week came from the hand of an actual friend and former neighbor to LOST, and this person actually penned this about Iraq:

me boy - I realize you are not upset at me, but you are upset.
Companies, corporations get rich all over the world, yet you find
pleasure in aiming your anti-Freudian arrows at this administration.
Stand back and take a good look at how little affect this all is on the
big picture. (spiritually) Does it all really matter? Are we making
lives better or worse in your mind? Lord knows!

When educated people can actually spew this kind of garbage without gagging on the noxiously malignant stench of greed and selfishness contained therein, LOST wonders if it isn't time to move to Dublin and open up a pub.


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