Lest we forget, 5 weeks before very important mid term Congressional elections, the similarity between The Loch Ness Monster and the Liberal media. Both are the stuff of mythology. NBC is owned by Megalomerate General Electric - maker of high tech medical and military stuff. CBS? That's Viacom, with their fingers in a similar number of pies. ABC? They are owned by Mickey "John Birch" Mouse, And so, when a 16 agency National Intelligence Estimate - originally prepared back in APRIL of this year but partially made public last week - states categorically that the Iraq war is a disaster for us an a boondoggle for terrorist recruiting, NBC News and Today have filled the screens the last two days with, you guessed it, who fathered Anna Nicole Smith's new baby (her lawyer - call the state Bar and move the hell on), and the nearest quasi photogenic "survivor" of yesterday's Colorado school shooting. Ah, Colorado, home of "Focus on the Family" and more Religious nuts than a Reverend Moon wed-a-thon, basking in the glow of Godly Republican rule for the last 5 - 10 years, and those uber Evangelical kids are still shooting each other. Yeah, LOST knows, Clinton's fault.
The point of this all is, the media in this country used to report news, NEWS NEWS, and if you wanted that celebrity craptrap you had to pull a back muscle reaching across the checkout aisle to get it. Now, that garbage is the news norm, and finding real information is only available on the internet, and you have to know where to look, too. The advance guard of the "Culture wars" are secretly cultivating ignorance, by filling the heads of the unsuspecting full of drivel and mush, while the grand theft continues to go on just a few feet away from us. This effort is most obvious at present, while the networks dish out celebrity blabble, and ignore the fact that somebody, finally asked the Emperor why he is naked? Clinton verbally pistolwhipped Chris "I-am-an-embarrassment-to-my-father Wallace, and while doing so raised the question, exacly why hasn't anyone ever asked the Chimp and his gap toothed ingenue emeritus what the hell did you do for 8 months about Al-Qaeda, and why is the war such a mess? They're flailing over the question, but don't expect to find the networks covering it, or the number of retired brass coming out and calling b.s. on the Iraq war prosecution, either. Gawd when will we wake up?