Friday, September 08, 2006


LOST has been following the controversy surrounding the not-really-accurate-but-feel-free-to-use-it-as-a-teaching-tool-and-download-it-to-your-iPod schlockudrama that the Disney Network is still considereing airing over two nights - this coming Sunday and Monday. LOST has seen - finally - leaders from the Democrats in the Senate stand up and call bullshit on this sloppy, clumsy partisan effort to do what the Bushies do second best (they're really good at screwing things up - with munitions and explosives, crony hires, dumb deregulation decisions, really abysmal foreign policy initiatives): blaming somebody else for their serious screwups. Once again, "The Path to 9/11" beats the blame Clinton horse- a nag so dead that it ought to be petrified by now. And as LOST has watched this onslaught of outrage pour forth from the Dems and the ex-Clinton staffers and the progressive bloggers and so forth, it has dawned on LOST. When is the point? When does the vast majority of this country - most of whom aren't better off now than they were in 2000, most of em struggling to make ends meet, most of them looking over their shoulder to see who's gaining on them, most of them righteously doubting whether retirement will ever be theirs, and most of them acutely aware that we're just one or two "Brownies" away from 9/11 part II, when does the vast majority of Americans stand up and yell, Howard Beale like, "You're full of shit and we ain't buying it anymore?"

See, since the Katrina anniversary, the Rovian trump card of old Safety, Security FEAR AND TERROR have been the buzzwords of the Bushco White House. They're out there slathering that around like the manipulative wifebeater, verbally wanking on the woman who yesterday he nearly killed, but who today he's cajoling and cooing to, trying to get her back where she's safe. The only safe this bunch of cronies and thieves knows about is one with a fire retardant door and a complex locking system. They've raided the public coffers - loading their rich friends with tax breaks and cushy, no-bid contracts. They've emasculated Federal programs designed to protect us from run of the mill health and safety threats. They've implemented none of the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission to fight terror. They've left the ports unscreened and the borders unguarded. But now, 60 days before the election, they're loudly honking that bin Laden is "Clinton's fault" and "we'll save you" or "Vote for us or DIE' if you prefer the Cheney version of this tripe.

It's time. These people - to a one - belong on the scrap heap of Historical relevance, preferably somewhere in the middle of the pile between Warren Harding and his honorary great great grand Niece

Tonya. We all have to put them there, with our votes, with our calm words, with our courage to speak out and secularly prosletyze the gospel of change.

So please, like that dumb Shampoo TV commercial from the 70's, tell two friends, and they'll tell two friends, and so on, and so on and so on. Let's vote and get out the vote, and start down the road of cleaning up this fiscal free for few now - before they can make it any worse.


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