Yes, LOST would almost rather watch the entire replay of the UCLA Rice near debacle last night (for those not paying attention, Bruins 26 - 16, but what an ugly win); instead LOST muddled through Meet the Press this morning, to watch Satandick lie for nearly a full hour on network. To his credit, Timmeh did not lay down and wag his stubby tail at the cloven-hooved one, as he has for so many of the lesser demons from this regime. But no, to paraphrase THE DICK, "Timmeh has made great progress, but still has a long way to go" in the effort to re-establish himself as a credible, impartial, hard - hitting journalist.
The DICK ducked hard questions, dismissed polling data showing that the American Public no longer believes that Iraq is 1. part of the War on Terror or 2. is worth the cost, and The DICK outright ignored the recently announced pact between the Taliban and Pakistan which virtually guarantees bin Laden a safe haven for as long as he wants. Instead, the DICK heaped praise on Musharraf for his past efforts to "help" in the war on terror. And, yes, the DICK constantly tried to frame the anti-war Iraq position as one in which all U.S. troops are brought home from Iraq and Afghanistan, rather than the real position advocated by the Democrats - get out of Iraq and focus on Al-Qaeda/bin Laden/Afghanistan.
Did anyone catch the horse-shit comparison - frequently repeated - about "better off" in Iraq, because 1. Saddam had the "Capability to resume" (Uh, Timmeh, there was a Follow up worth asking - WHAT CAPABILITY?) 2. just as soon as the sanctions went away?. Memo to Russet head and the DICK the sanctions were IMPOSED by the U.N. and supported and enforced by the U.S. Exactly when were they likely to go away? These sanctions weren't metal bands around the country that were rusting away and soon to break.
And what about conflating Saddam in power with $70/ barrel oil? Hey DICK! Where did the $70 barrel price come from? Can you say, disruption of the Iraqi supply, coupled with a lap dog Exxon loving D.C. regime? I didn't think so.
And then suggesting that Saddam in power + Ahmenidijad (sp?) = big trouble? No consideration that the Iranians may have gravitated toward the extreme after what transpired in Iraq following the U.S. saber-rattling?
And over and over, when confronted with his past erroneous statements - all of which began with "I believe that . . . ," still the DICK just responded to current polls and opinions different from his own with "I disagree . . . " folowed by reiterated talking points. Where was Russert with "in light of the numerous times - many of which have been highlighted on this program Mr. Vice President, why should the American public believe any statement you make which begins with "i Believe . . .?" That was the $64,000 question that a sincerely repentant Timmeh needed to ask, and didn't.
And don't even get me started on the smarmy confidence that they'll hold both houses. It does little to dispel the (admittedly paranoid) belief that the e-fix is in where it needs to be.
There has to be a Hell. Cheney's going for sure.
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