If you didn't watch the President's "Press Conference

" . . . And so what I do is I talk to people like our Ambassador and General Casey, which I just did this morning. And they, and the Iraqi government, just don't agree with the hypothesis it is a civil war. They believe that there's, no question . . . that al Qaeda is still creating havoc . . . they're confident there are still Saddamists who are threatening people and carrying out attacks.But they also believe that the Baghdad security plan is making progress . . . .".
So you see? With enough check points and a big enough berm/moat/trench around the perimeter, you really can spread freedom. Just like "it's NOT torture! Its just adding CLARITY to those wacky, vague Geneva Conventions. You know, those sixty year old laws that leaders all over the world understood until this regime came along.
This whole mess is reminiscent of the Reagan era brain-truster who was touting the best plan to survive nuclear attack was to make sure everyone had a shovel because temporary burial below dirt would ensure survival of a nuclear strike. Hey, Mr. President! How's that checkpoint and wall/berm strategy working out in the U.S. - along that Southern Border?

OOPS, never mind. Shouldn't have brought it up.
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