Forty eight short hours of pure enjoyment. Everything from the 80 minute layover in SFO on the way up, to the nighttime downhill trek to Ivar's on the wharf to the 3 hour walking tour of Pike Place Market, Pioneer Square,

itself and all things after the final gun sounded - even the beginning of the homeward trek at 3:30 am this morning, Mrs. LOST knows how to put on a birthday celebration.
Husky Stadium is an unbelievable place to watch a game.

The fans who frequent it are friendly to their "enemies" yet rabidly partisan and firecely loyal. When they utter their collective "Woof" its a wonder that the entire Sound doesn't shudder. As frustrating as it was to watch the beloved Bruins choke down another LOST Birthday (the fifth straight time the Bruins have gifted a Birthday zonk - dating all the way back to 1972, Losing to a group this gracious is almost tolerable. I did say "almost."

As quickly as it began it was over, and what stays behind are memories: of quiet moments shared between the Mrs. and myself - a time to talk of many things: our kids, our future, our past.
We spent gratuitious time piecing together the current version of this beautiful city in comparison to our shared memories of our visit here twenty years back. Like so many places, changes - mostly population density related, have occurred. But the setting is still beautiful, the people incredibly friendly and earthy, the coffee strong and plentiful, and the microbrews are cold and full bodied. And those political views? In 48 hours, LOST didn't see a single "W -O4" oval anyplace. Lots of the contrary, shared viewpoint predominated. Was this Heaven? No, it was Seattle. In Heaven, the Bruins always win.

And thank you too, David, for making us a part of your entourage on this trek. I should have shared with you the abysmal birthday statistic beforehand, but I'd been blissfully ignorant of the Bruin futility on that date until just hours ago. Only a truly sappy fan like me would have looked it up in the first place - I'd rather think it was Karmic than simply poor play calling and execution. Rationalization, the last refuge of a partisan scoundrel. Only one thing to add: Beat Stanford - PLEASE
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