Sunday, July 23, 2006


LOST has earned the respect and admiration of many peers, friends, even family members for the stockpile of otherwise useless trivia packed in the recesses of LOST's brain. So much so that it surprises folks to hear that many elements of popular culture escaped LOST's view for many many years. LOST has never seen "Deliverance" all the way through. LOST has never dipped a toe in the Atlantic, or stood in Times Square or Lafayette Park.

Up until yesterday, LOST had never sat through "Patton" - 1970's Best Picture, and the film which garnered George C. Scott an Oscar. Watching the film and appreciating the impact that this brilliantly homicidal warmonger had on the Allied War effort, and watching the portrayal made by George C. Scott - right down to the tones, facial tics and expressions, it hit LOST like a ton of bricks:

Dick Cheney has modeled his warmongering behavior after Patton - not the real George Patton, but the one played on the big screen by George C. Scott. They look alike, they sneer alike - they even cuss alike (ask Senator Leahy). And they show the same regard for servicemen - feint verbal praise combined with direction that guarantees carnage. Most importantly - in the fevered mind of The DICK and those who think like him - both engaged in noble causes. And its
oh-so-perfect that Cheney would model himself after a faux warrior. He is waging a faux war, under faux circumstances, donning a faux aura of bravery and resolve in his advancing age, though he scrupulously avoided real service in his youth.

"Thank you, Mr. Vice President, for graphically quantifying your concern for the Average American"

Saturday, July 22, 2006


From Yahoo News this morning:

TAMPA, Fla. - Vice President Dick Cheney on Friday pointed to the fighting between Israel and Hezbollah as fresh evidence of the ongoing battle against terrorism that underscores the need to keep President Bush's Republican allies in control of Congress.

"This conflict is a long way from over," Cheney said at a fundraising appearance for a GOP congressional candidate. "It's going to be a battle that will last for a very long time. It is absolutely essential that we stay the course."

Cheney's visit to Tampa helped raise about $200,000 for the campaign of Gus Bilirakis, a state legislator who is running for the Tampa Bay area congressional seat his father, Michael, is vacating.
Ahhh nepotism, another of those pillar "Family Values" of the GOP

"Gus is going to remember that the first order of business is to protect the American people and to support the men and women who defend us in time of war," Cheney told the audience at a $500-a-ticket fundraising reception. "There's still hard work ahead in the war on terror." hmmmmm, looks like a decimal point is missing. LOST would be hard pressed to pay $500 for a Beatles reunion concert - even one where John Edward crossed over and brought John and George back!

Cheney said that as Republicans make their case to voters in the midterm elections, "it's vital that we keep issues of national security at the top of the agenda." ("Because even our base has figured out that we're screw ups on everything else?") He faulted Democrats in Congress who have pushed for a timetable for withdrawing Americans from Iraq, saying that would send the wrong message to terrorists.

"If anyone thinks the conflict is over or soon to be over, all they have to do is look at what's happening in the Middle East today," he said.
Gosh, Dick, would that include this?

Bilirakis' Democratic opponent, Phyllis Busansky, scheduled a news conference near the hotel where Cheney was appearing to argue that the Bush-Cheney administration had failed on both domestic and foreign policy fronts. In addition, a handful of demonstrators gathered outside the hotel to protest what they said were problems with the administration's prescription drug program.

Cheney has been traveling extensively on behalf of GOP candidates as the party tries to maintain control of Congress in the November elections.

Would that be in a hyperbaric chambered plane?

Later in the day, at a rally for 8,000 troops at Fort Stewart, Ga., Cheney promised that the United States will keep fighting in Iraq until it can declare victory.

"We have only two options in Iraq: victory or defeat. And I want you to know, as members of the United States military, the American people do not support a policy of retreat of defeatism," Cheney said. "We want to complete the mission, get it done right and return with honor."

Ya gotta love Five Deferment Dick. Making appearances only in front of those who can afford $500 tickets, or those whose failure to show up would be grounds for Court Martial. And this 'wipe pledges to send as many more young Americans as he thinks is necessary to achieve, ahem, "victory" or "mission completeness?" Isn't that comforting? Wasn't "victory" already declared? back on May 1, 2003? Finally, what level of public stupidity is assessed to embolden people who have created a complete disaster to embrace it as their strong, campaign point? Applying the same principle to child rearing, raising babies just got easier for parents, because we should trust the baby who made the mess to clean it up on his/her own. And just like that, the Pampers people went the way of the Polaroid and the Packard

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


ITs back again . . . like Halley's Comet, Christmas, and Jackson Browne studio cut albums, the local racing season goes away, but always returns for 7 fun-filled weeks to this little corner of civilization. Go out and visit. Enjoy the breeze, feel the buzz of excitement in the air and watch and root for your favorite horse ("Bat of of Hell," "Halloween Baby," "Rogue's Realm," "Itsallgreektome" "Christmas Boy," and "Cutting Wind" are but a few faves from the past), jockey, number, color or whatever you want to root for, just get out there and have fun, ain't that right, Maynard?

Just for grins, LOST is going with Obrigado in the 8th, and Honolulu Baby in the ninth - a pair of opening day hunches only.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


In LOST's little corner of Red State land, full of wannabe Kansans who wear their Christianity on their bumpers, the anti-immigrant frenzy is in full paroxysm. Earlier this week, the Escondido City Council jumped on board the election year bashwagon - this year's bashees being, of course, the little Brown people who heavily populate the center of town. Last week, our very own answer to Marie Antoinette, who goes by her married name Waldron, proposed a new ordinance which would fine landlords who rent property to "illegals." See, they're illegal, so they should be on the street. walking. South. Councilwoman Waldron has apparently never ventured beyond the narrow halls of her Grand Avenue small business (which she talks incessantly about every four years - whether running for council re-eleciton or her other heart's desire: a State wide office. If the Councilwoman had, she'd know that the canyons, hedges and grovelands are thick with these little Brown folks, many of whom just want to work and have a chance at a better life, and who already bear a heavy burden for it. But LOST digresses. This week, the Escondido Council voted unanimously for an ordinance punishing grocers and retailers for letting their grocery carts "Stray" from their lots. Once again, the unspoken target are the poor, largely Hispanic populations who frequently shop and take the carts back to their apartment buildings, and often leave them there. Irritating? Sure. Something of a nuisance, you bet. On a par with providing youth with good after school programs, or fixing streets, or primping up the parks and recreation facilities? ahhhh . . . no. But its an election year, and here in EsCalcutta we want our poor Brown ones where they belong - in the streets, out of the schools and ERs, not working, starving, literally starving to go home.

One can only wonder what's next. Maybe a Marie Waldron and Congressman Tough-as-nails-on-Illegals-please-pay-no-attention-to-those-new-offshore-oilrigs Bilbray hosted "Stray Cart Roping Demonstration and Redneck Cowboy Rodeo will hit town? Why the hell not? After all, they don't belong here, they eat up all our services and tax dollars, they're practically less than human . . . or so an alarmingly large and incessantly vocal plurality of people in this redneck of the woods would have us believe. These poor, sick, religobabbling phonies, carping on about their cruciform "War Memorial" on Mount Soledad, and ignoring the words and teachings of the Man who made the cross an icon for the last two millenia.

No, LOST ain't saying that the illegal immigrant thing isn't a problem or that its one that ought to be ignored. It is a complex problem, and simply throwing people out in the streets, and making it difficult for them to work or eat or be hygenic will have massive, negative consequences for our society in the short run, and beyond. We can do better. We have to, there is no choice.


Well, LOST's blog has achieved another milestone - a guest blogger has consented to post on this site, to toil in this vineyard of political analysis, sniping and sarcasm. To put down roots and perhaps give the ol'poster a run for his money. Without further adieu, please welcome, a published author who I'll quaintly refer to as the "X" of the 21st Century. "V" was taken already, earlier this year. Enjoy this piece, worthy of a Glass Onion or whatever prize may be handed out to the truly thought-provoking writers of our time:

Losing the War on Terror

The so-called “War on Terror” is over.
We lost.
Led by a grandstanding President and a Congress that left its collective brain in the top left-hand drawer of a filing cabinet in the basement of the Senate Office Building, the United States has embraced defeat by responding to radical Islamic extremism not with the mature confidence of a global superpower, but with a continuing four-year panic that is, if nothing else, a monument to the efficacy of politically motivated violence.
The “Global War on Terror” is a ridiculous overstatement that has paralyzed America and energized its opponents. George Bush’s self-appointment as a “War President” is ludicrous. The mere existence a “post-9/11 mindset” in America is evidence of our capitulation. Things have changed since 9/11 because we have allowed them to change. We have embraced terrorism as the successor to the Cold War: the ever-present danger of a never-ending threat. In this sense it is not inconceivable that the GWOT really is, as some have charged, a neo-conservative strategy, an Orwellian public relations campaign designed to mask the broader goals of American Imperialism and international corporatism. The reality is probably an evil-smelling broth of greed, flawed theory, delusions of grandeur and spectacular incompetence. But cause aside, the end result is the same: of all to paths to choose in the wake of 9/11, the Administration marched us down the one that led to institutionalized fear, and thus, inevitable failure.
Osama bin Laden is many things -- terrorist, political zealot, religious fanatic, mass-murderer -- but through its response to 9/11 the Bush Administration has elevated him and his movement to a position of undeserved influence, a force worthy of the almost undivided attention of the most powerful nation on earth, even to the exclusion of the long-term welfare of its own citizens.
Could bin Laden himself have envisioned a more optimistic scenario? In a single day of horror, he and his delusionary disciples transformed our nation, goading us into revealing the ugly underbelly of our culture, exposing to the world our deepest fears and insecurities, our callousness and cruelty, our internal divisions and divides. If bin Laden rejoiced at the collapse of the Twin Towers as a sign from Allah of the righteousness of his cause, he must have seen the mad-dog response of the Bush Administration as a gift of truly miraculous largess. Having survived our initial, ultimately half-hearted response in Afghanistan (and further elevating his own mythic status in the process), he laughs at us from hiding even now, secure in the knowledge that with four hijacked airplanes he was able to achieve what entire nations were unable to do in World War II, what the Soviet Union failed to accomplish during the Cold War and what not even Ho Chi Minh could fully claim in Vietnam. In just a few short hours and with the loss of just 19 of his own people, bin Laden turned America against itself, against the world, against its commitment to the basic rights and freedoms of its citizens. Every time a grandmother removes her orthopedic shoes in an airport, the specter of bin Laden looms. Every time an American soldier dies in Iraq bin Laden smiles. Abu Ghraib, GITMO, and The Patriot Act are monuments to his success. In the name of Al Qaeda (but certainly not in the names of Jefferson, Adams or Franklin) our leaders rationalize the need for domestic surveillance techniques that strike at the very core of our national ethic. For all of George Bush’s schoolyard bluster, and despite the courage and commitment of the men and women who are fighting and dying under his misguided command, we have turned into a nation of sheep, of scurrying mice, seeking safety in the shelter of strategic and tactical extremes that have made us less than we were on Sept. 10, 2001. Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda did not occupy our country, but they occupy our minds -- more completely than we now occupy Iraq, or even Afghanistan, where the Taliban are in resurgence and the American proxy and former oil industry executive Hamid Karzai huddles helplessly in his offices in Kabul, a symbol of American impotence. We allowed this to happen. We followed George Bush into a land of fear and reactionary intolerance. We dressed the terms of our submission in color-coded security alerts. We made bin Laden more than he is, more than he could ever be without our blundering, misguided assistance. We turned a megalomaniacal nutcase religious fanatic into America’s greatest enemy. Instead of rising above, we sunk below. We tortured, we lied, we bombed, we became what we abhorred.
How different was our response to 9/11 than to the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995. In its targeting of children by an American citizen -- a former U.S. soldier no less -- the Oklahoma event was perhaps even more heinous than the horror of 9/11. But Oklahoma City spawned no frantic calls for a “War on Terror.” Nor did we launch preemptive strikes against the racist, ultra-right wing religious and political fringe that spawned and nurtured Timothy McVeigh. We mourned as a nation-- as a great nation -- memorializing the victims and their families with true sorrow and dignified restraint. We identified and hardened key potential targets against similar future attacks and quietly increased security within the scope of existing law. And we moved on. We moved on. We digested Oklahoma City in its proper context: a diabolical act of political terrorism by a deranged psychopath.
Al Qaeda is more than Timothy McVeigh, of course. He dreamed of jihad; Muslim extremists are living one. They hate us, and they have the will and resources to express that hatred with periodic violence. But they hate almost everyone -- and because they do, they can be (or might have been) marginalized as thugs and zealots, merely the latest iteration of a cyclic threat that over recent decades has included The Red Army Faction and the Red Brigades in Europe, the IRA in Ireland, the FLQ in Quebec, etc., etc. etc. Terrorism is born out of desperation and political impotence. It breeds on the rotting carcass of oppression. And we have become the oppressor.
In the best-case scenario, al Qaeda provided this country with the opportunity to prove our greatness and in the process confine them to historical insignificance. We could have mocked bin Laden’s characterization of the United States by rebuilding Afghanistan and eliminating the Taliban for good, but we chose instead to validate it by invading Iraq. We could have used 9/11 as a platform to unite the world in opposition to extremism of any kind, but we chose instead our own path of radical self-righteousness, adding the Bush Doctrine of Preemptive War to an unholy list of international horrors that in the future may come back to haunt us in ways far beyond the capabilities or even the vision of Al Qaeda.
What this country and the world needed in the wake of 9/11 was leadership. What it got was cynicism. What we needed was hope and confidence. What we got was Fear. Fear to be embraced. Fear as a policy. Fear as diplomacy. Fear as a tool to achieve political and diplomatic agendas. Fear as a way of life in a post 9-11 world -- a world and a life of our own creation. Fear. Our gift to Osama bin Laden: Fear as victory.

Saturday, July 08, 2006


BushDick sycophant Peggy Noonan is at it again. In the Wall Street Journal - hardly a publication known for its progressive viewpoint or its concern for regular people, Noonan writes to praise not bury the (allegedly) conveniently_deceased Ken Lay. Yes, he who presided over the economic ruin of tens of thousands, the destruction of the retirement of thousands, the economic pillaging of the State of California, all to his personal financial benefit is lionized in death as though he were a flawed giant of mankind, a man who made but a most trifling error. A sample of this syrupy sweet drivel

Ken Lay's death reminds us of what we know.

All deaths are sad, and some are shocking and sad. Ken Lay's this week was both, though I don't suppose it should have been a shock.
Putting aside all judgments and conclusions, all umbrage, outrage and indignation, and all debates on who was most responsible for the Enron scandal--putting all those weighty and legitimate concerns aside--isn't it obvious that Ken Lay died of a broken heart? . . .His life was broken and would never be healed. Or if it was to be healed it would happen while he was imprisoned, for the rest of his life, with four walls to look at. All was wreckage around him . . .
. . . Is this Shakespearian in the sense of being towering and tragic? I don't know. I think it's primal and human. And I think if we were more regularly conscious of the fact that death through sadness happens we'd be better to each other. I'm thinking here of a friend who reflected one day years ago, . . .He said--I paraphrase--"It's a dangerous thing to deliberately try to hurt someone because it's not possible to calibrate exactly how much hurt you're doing. You can't know in advance the extent of the damage. A snub can leave a wound that lasts a lifetime, a bop on the head with a two-by-four will be laughed off. One must be careful. We'll always hurt others by accident or in a passion but we mustn't do it with deliberation. . . .
. . .On TV Wednesday, on cable news, they weren't calling him "CEO scam artist" but, literally, on CNN, "beleaguered businessman." They didn't know how to play the story. To rehearse, on the day of his death, the allegations against Lay and the jury verdict--guilty of fraud and conspiracy--would be . . . ungracious, lacking. But to ignore the scandal--which is after all the reason he is famous, the reason we are reporting his death--is journalistically incoherent. Reporters tried to find a middle ground. Lay came from nowhere, rose high, messed up, fell.

Fair enough. But part of what happened to him, one of the interesting parts of the sad story, is that it is an illustration of the changing nature of scandal. . . .Once you could get in terrible trouble and just vamoose and find a place to hide. You could lam it, lay low, start over. You could reinvent yourself. You could cross an ocean and go to another continent and begin again. You could leave the scandal behind you. . . .Now, with modern media, there's no place to hide. In the age of Google there's an endless pixel trail. You can't disappear and start over because you can't disappear . . .
. . .there's a sadness to this, a less human, less rich, more constricted and constricting quality to modern life because of it. . . . If Ken Lay had been found not guilty and gone to live on the most obscure street in the third biggest town in Chad, you know what they'd say as he walked by. "That's the guy that headed the company that stole the money." They have CNN there. They have it everywhere.
. . . Too bad. People need second chances, and thirds, and fourths. . . .The answer? There is no answer. The lesson is not, "Human beings will have to have fewer scandals and embarrassments," because human beings can't have less scandals and embarrassments. They're human . . .

No, Peggy, there is an answer, and you know what it is. Duke Cunningham should be allowed to move to Indiana and merely re-run for Congress. Just a "mess up" that's all. Tom DeLay, well, same thing, lay low, and just re-up in a year or two when all has blown over. Peggy, Newt Gingrich championing Presidential impeachment for marital infidelity while he himself was, ahem, adulterating, is a mess-up. What Lay did was a commit major crimes which victimized millions. Oh and while we're on the subject Peggy, still lookin' for those second and third and fourth chances you all gave Bill Clinton? Got any clues where we should look?

LOST is just glad you weren't around when Bob Dylan wrote his 1962 Anthem - well okay, you were 12 at the time. But if you, and not Minnesota Zimmerman had penned this classic, the words would've looked something like this (sorry Bob):

Whisperin' En-Ron

(Sung to the Tune of "Blowin' in the Wind")

How many times must a man
Cry foul
Before he is given some slack?
How many news-pa-per stories
Must blare
Before they stop stabbing in the back
Yes and how many briefs must that
Poor rich man file
Before he is free of the flack?

The answer my Son
Is whisperin’ Enron
The Answer is whisperin’

And how many reasons
Does anyone need
To see such a no-o-ble cause
Yes and how many taxes
Must be-e retained
So we give our losers some pause

Yes and how many words
Must those naysayers say
Before they’re cut down to applause
The answer my son
Is whisperin’ Enron
The answer is whisperin’ Enron

How many Whales
Does anyone crave
If we have to give up our yachts?
Yes and how many redwoods
Do we have to save
‘Cause we all want Estate Si-ized lots?
Why must clean air restrictions
keep us enslaved, because of
some glo-bal hot spots?

The answer my son
Is whisperin’ Enron
The Answer is whisperin’

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Not sure if I believe that Ken Lay is really dead. Seems too easy, and oh-so-convenient for those who might be scarred if he wagged his tongue in a frenetic attempt to stay out of jail. Maybe he had dirt on Dubya; for sure he knew who was on THE DICK's Super Secret Satanic Energy Task Force. Maybe Kenny Boy was there when The Dick drew up plans to carve up Iraq and Afghanistan to give to the multinational corporate Petro-warlords. Maybe Kenny Boy offerred that story to Federal Prosecutors or someone else. Maybe someone was listening. Maybe someone came by to see Kenny Boy yesterday, or in the dead of night. Maybe someone brought along the means to "accidentally" kill the vile bastard. Yeah, right, that's almost tooo Grassly knollish. Maybe he just faked his own death so he could live in affluent obscurity in the Caymans, a sort of real-life, non lawyer version of J. Lyman "Bruiser" Stone. Either way, without boundless intervention from the Almighty, Kenny Boy's headed for the eternal heat wave. Make sure you make room for your infernal master. No doubt that his malignant, poor excuse for a heart is primed for the big one, or "in its last throes" too.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Neil Young may have summed it up perfectly a song called "Looking for a Leader," from his latest album "Living with War"

" . . .because America is Beautiful, but she has an ugly side . . "

The ugliness in America has a narrow focus and a big mouth. It's rude, and its goal is to shout down, pummel and beat on anyone or anything which disagrees with it. It personally attacks people who disagree with it - and it is quick to do so when it cannot refute the merits of the dissent. It issues these personal attacks without regard to its own shortcomings, failings, or outright flaws - even when those flaws are of the same (or worse) characteristics that are the focus of its personal attacks. So it is that 5 draft-deferment Dick Cheney, who has enriched himself beyond imagination by trading his governmental access for millions, can question the patriotism and commitment to American Security of others with impunity. So it is that Rush Limbaugh can rail against drug users and demand their long term incarceration - right up until he is arrested for doctor shopping for high grade pharmaceutical narcotics to feed his own appaarent addiction. So it is that Bill O'Reilly can continue to shrilly castigate the immorality of liberals, despite the revelation of his own extra-marital depravities. So it is that the loudest mouths in the Catholic Hierarchy can agitate to vote for Bush "because he agrees with the Church's abortion views (even though he really doesn't)," and even when now, with a conservative majority on the highest court, and Republicans in control of both houses most of the major media outlets in the country, free and legal abortion is still the law of the land. So it is that the loudest mouths in Congress and on the radio can cultivate the public debate away from issues that really are important - like the Iraq war and its devastating impact on servicemen and women's families, the Iraqi people, the U.S. Economy, and the world's perception of our country - to issues which don't really matter at all (Flag burning) or one's that cannot be solved without a deliberate, non-histrionic, multi-faceted approach (illegal immigration) and a long term commitment. That is the ugly side of America, and as a nation we should again declare independence - from this demagoguery of blissful, self-absorbed ignorance. Make a commitment to Independent thought this 4th. Our Nation's future depends upon it.

Sunday, July 02, 2006


Ask any Righty you happen to see, What did the NY Times do that was so bad, and how has it hurt the country . . . then ask them how this is different from the Plame outing and press, press, press for details. You won't get many. Why? Because of the mass hypnosis that many are under, thanks to the radio hatemongers and Fox News. Yes, some have pulled away (FNC's ratings are way down in the core demographic 25-54 this last period), but there's plenty of people who process and parrot their favorite talking head's blather of the moment. To those folks, some simple jabs back are in order. Things like "9/11 happened on Bush-Cheney's Watch" and if they try to tell you we "haven't been hit again" remind them "What do you call Katrina? Oh yeah, that was different, because everyone could see Katrina coming."

This teapot tempest from the tinpots of Roveworld is simply an exercise in seeing if the same kind of diversionary crap will work yet again in time for 2006. Yes, if you are like Mrs. LOST you say that the diversion doesn't have to work if they've got control over the voting machines. That kind of fatalistic thinking only begets rationalizing for sitting down and saying nothing. Get up and speak up. No need to yell like the Savage Wieners and the Hanitwits of the world. Just refuse to be silent. Tell people what you think and why. Tell them the war is wrong. Tell them that staying "there" solves nothing except how to allocate future VA budget dollars. Tell them that sloganeering is not an exit strategy either. Tell them that staying is not atonement for a bad decision to go in. Tell your neighbors - like mine, that there is glaring hypocrisy in expressing anti-immigrant sentiment on the back of your SUV while at the same time hiring an immigrant housekeeper. Tell 'em they cannot have it both ways - and shouldn't want to. Buy that hybrid car that you know is good for you and the environment. Don't throw household batteries away in the regular trash. Don't overuse pesticides - there are reasons you're supposed to read the label, and a lot may work better than a little but it all runs downstream. Find and reach voters, lots of em if you can, especially the ones that you know don't or haven't voted in a long time. Persuade them to engage. Call for more indictments in Plame gate. Call for Cheney and Rumsfeld to step down. Call for negotiations with North Korea and Iran. Call for a moratorium on more tax cuts - the Federal treasury is going broke. Call for a raise in the minimum wage. Call for a halt to the erosion of worker protections in hazardous industries like mining. Call for an end to serious discussions about repealing the 40 hour work week and other "reforms" that these extremists have been emboldened to suggest. Call for Limbaugh to explain why he needed mislabeled Viagra for an "all boy's vacation" in a country known for a seamy sex trade. Call for Limbaugh to explain why as an unmarried man who claims to be on loan from God he needs Viagra in the first place.
Check back here for tomorrow's assignment.

Saturday, July 01, 2006


The other important thing to take away from Hamdan is how perilously close we are to losing the grasp on constitutional democracy in this country. When a rancorous wretch like Ann Coulter "jokes" about poisoning Justice Stevens (or was she just plagiarizing a bit from "The Pelican Brief's" story line?), the ill-conceived humor is a poor disguise for the fact that all it will take for this evil cabal to cement their way of thinking into the public psyche is one more Supreme Court Justice out of the Clarence Scalitoberts mode. One more. Since few Dems were willing to stand up from their backbench and press against Roberts and Smirking Sammy, it is incumbent upon EVERYBODY to wake up and elect Senators who will stand up and fight to ensure that whoever drops out next is not replaced with a rubber stamp for whatever this glowering mass of evil incarnate wants to do, when it wants to do it. This may be all that prevents us from devloving into quasi-monarchy. Think about that when you listen to the media bleaters shrieking against the NY Times and Democrats in unison ad nauseum. They're doing this to quell dissent. They're doing this to pave the way for their own "Second Coming" or something worse.