Sunday, July 02, 2006


Ask any Righty you happen to see, What did the NY Times do that was so bad, and how has it hurt the country . . . then ask them how this is different from the Plame outing and press, press, press for details. You won't get many. Why? Because of the mass hypnosis that many are under, thanks to the radio hatemongers and Fox News. Yes, some have pulled away (FNC's ratings are way down in the core demographic 25-54 this last period), but there's plenty of people who process and parrot their favorite talking head's blather of the moment. To those folks, some simple jabs back are in order. Things like "9/11 happened on Bush-Cheney's Watch" and if they try to tell you we "haven't been hit again" remind them "What do you call Katrina? Oh yeah, that was different, because everyone could see Katrina coming."

This teapot tempest from the tinpots of Roveworld is simply an exercise in seeing if the same kind of diversionary crap will work yet again in time for 2006. Yes, if you are like Mrs. LOST you say that the diversion doesn't have to work if they've got control over the voting machines. That kind of fatalistic thinking only begets rationalizing for sitting down and saying nothing. Get up and speak up. No need to yell like the Savage Wieners and the Hanitwits of the world. Just refuse to be silent. Tell people what you think and why. Tell them the war is wrong. Tell them that staying "there" solves nothing except how to allocate future VA budget dollars. Tell them that sloganeering is not an exit strategy either. Tell them that staying is not atonement for a bad decision to go in. Tell your neighbors - like mine, that there is glaring hypocrisy in expressing anti-immigrant sentiment on the back of your SUV while at the same time hiring an immigrant housekeeper. Tell 'em they cannot have it both ways - and shouldn't want to. Buy that hybrid car that you know is good for you and the environment. Don't throw household batteries away in the regular trash. Don't overuse pesticides - there are reasons you're supposed to read the label, and a lot may work better than a little but it all runs downstream. Find and reach voters, lots of em if you can, especially the ones that you know don't or haven't voted in a long time. Persuade them to engage. Call for more indictments in Plame gate. Call for Cheney and Rumsfeld to step down. Call for negotiations with North Korea and Iran. Call for a moratorium on more tax cuts - the Federal treasury is going broke. Call for a raise in the minimum wage. Call for a halt to the erosion of worker protections in hazardous industries like mining. Call for an end to serious discussions about repealing the 40 hour work week and other "reforms" that these extremists have been emboldened to suggest. Call for Limbaugh to explain why he needed mislabeled Viagra for an "all boy's vacation" in a country known for a seamy sex trade. Call for Limbaugh to explain why as an unmarried man who claims to be on loan from God he needs Viagra in the first place.
Check back here for tomorrow's assignment.


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