ITs back again . . . like Halley's Comet, Christmas, and Jackson Browne studio cut albums, the local racing season goes away, but always returns for 7 fun-filled weeks to this little corner of civilization. Go out and visit. Enjoy the breeze, feel the buzz of excitement in the air and watch and root for your favorite horse ("Bat of of Hell," "Halloween Baby," "Rogue's Realm," "Itsallgreektome" "Christmas Boy," and "Cutting Wind" are but a few faves from the past), jockey, number, color or whatever you want to root for, just get out there and have fun, ain't that right, Maynard?
Just for grins, LOST is going with Obrigado in the 8th, and Honolulu Baby in the ninth - a pair of opening day hunches only.
I am partial to Cutting Wind myself... Oh, the mule is okay also... In fact, didn't we make a few pesos on that fine thoroughbred??? $$$$
aye, a few pesos indeed! Me footprints are still visible upon yon infield table, methinks, arrgh!
Well the ol' hunch machine batted .500 today - Obrigado comes home at 14.00 to a 2 dollar ticket. Hope y'all made out, race fans!!!!!
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