Sunday, July 23, 2006


LOST has earned the respect and admiration of many peers, friends, even family members for the stockpile of otherwise useless trivia packed in the recesses of LOST's brain. So much so that it surprises folks to hear that many elements of popular culture escaped LOST's view for many many years. LOST has never seen "Deliverance" all the way through. LOST has never dipped a toe in the Atlantic, or stood in Times Square or Lafayette Park.

Up until yesterday, LOST had never sat through "Patton" - 1970's Best Picture, and the film which garnered George C. Scott an Oscar. Watching the film and appreciating the impact that this brilliantly homicidal warmonger had on the Allied War effort, and watching the portrayal made by George C. Scott - right down to the tones, facial tics and expressions, it hit LOST like a ton of bricks:

Dick Cheney has modeled his warmongering behavior after Patton - not the real George Patton, but the one played on the big screen by George C. Scott. They look alike, they sneer alike - they even cuss alike (ask Senator Leahy). And they show the same regard for servicemen - feint verbal praise combined with direction that guarantees carnage. Most importantly - in the fevered mind of The DICK and those who think like him - both engaged in noble causes. And its
oh-so-perfect that Cheney would model himself after a faux warrior. He is waging a faux war, under faux circumstances, donning a faux aura of bravery and resolve in his advancing age, though he scrupulously avoided real service in his youth.

"Thank you, Mr. Vice President, for graphically quantifying your concern for the Average American"


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