CIVICS LESSON ADDENDUM The other important thing to take away from Hamdan is how perilously close we are to losing the grasp on constitutional democracy in this country. When a rancorous wretch like Ann Coulter "jokes" about poisoning Justice Stevens
(or was she just plagiarizing a bit from "The Pelican Brief's" story line?), the ill-conceived humor is a poor disguise for the fact that all it will take for this evil cabal to cement their way of thinking into the public psyche is one more Supreme Court Justice out of the Clarence Scalitoberts mode. One more. Since few Dems were willing to stand up from their backbench and press against Roberts and Smirking Sammy, it is incumbent upon EVERYBODY to wake up and elect Senators who will stand up and fight to ensure that whoever drops out next is not replaced with a rubber stamp for whatever this glowering mass of evil incarnate wants to do, when it wants to do it. This may be all that prevents us from devloving into quasi-monarchy. Think about that when you listen to the media bleaters shrieking against the NY Times and Democrats in unison ad nauseum. They're doing this to quell dissent. They're doing this to pave the way for their own "Second Coming" or something worse.
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