Wednesday, August 31, 2005


My favorite paragraph from our Fearless (Feckless) Leader's 10 minute speech today on New Orleans:

"The Department of Energy is approving loans from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to limit disruptions in crude supplies for refineries. A lot of crude production has been shut down because of the storm. I instructed Secretary Bodman to work with refiners, people who need crude oil, to alleviate any shortage through loans. The Environmental Protection Agency has granted a nationwide waiver for fuel blends to make more gasoline and diesel fuel available throughout the country. This will help take some pressure off of gas price. But our citizens must understand this storm has disrupted the capacity to make gasoline and distribute gasoline."

They're already pillaging the country with ridiculously inflated prices on their own domestically produced crude, to the tens of billions of dollars. They just got Santa Dick's Energy-Policy-Bill-giveaway for tens of billions more in tax breaks. Now we cry havoc and let loose the dogs of toxic waste? Why don't we just paint a big Exxon Mobil logo on the White House. Or a yellow "Shell" on the Jefferson Memorial? When do y'all wake up? When its 5 bucks a gallon, and the death toll in Louisiana eclipses the death toll in Iraq?

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Well, the Vacationer in Chief paid another visit to this little corner of the world today. Sixth trip in not quite 5 years in office. ALWAYS on a military base, as if the bravery and courage of those men and women might osmotically pass through them and into him. Fat chance.

Anyhow, like father like son. He was here to commemmorate the 60th anniversary of the Japanese surrender at WWII (oops, two weeks LATE!!!). Once when Poppy was Prez he gave a speech on a late Summer day and used this memorable line "September 7th, a day which will live in infamy . . . " Does calendar trouble run in this family, or what?

Anyhow, unconfirmed reports have the Slackinator talking about Iraq, its train wreck of a constitution, and the upcoming vote as showing a "sparkle of Victory." Then again, maybe he was quietly celebrating the anniversary (late by a few months, who's to notice) of another of his San Diego "Sparkle of Victory moments" on the carrier Lincoln.

For kicks and grins, Capitol hill blue is running a story (now about 6 days old, that suggests that this vacation stuff is, uh, maybe not, ah workin' so well this time. Its worth a look

Thursday, August 25, 2005


But this is definitely one of them. Hey,Bruins! It's called TACKLING, you should all try it sometime!! Like starting next week, and continuing through the Holidays!


In a speech at the Group's National Convention in Honolulu, Thomas Cadmus of the American Legion, told the audience,

"The American Legion will stand against anyone and any group that would demoralize our troops, or worse, endanger their lives by encouraging terrorists to continue their cowardly attacks against freedom-loving peoples,"

well, okay, who could disagree with this? Good for the Legion

Cadmus continued, "No one respects the right to protest more than one who has fought for it, but we hope that Americans will present their views in correspondence to their elected officials rather than by public media events guaranteed to be picked up and used as tools of encouragement by our enemies. . . "

Well, Mr. Cadmus, what do you do when your elected officials are (a) busy making sweet real estate deals with the contractors they're supposed to be acting as watchdog over, or (b) busily trying to defend against criminal investigations looking into activities such as (a) which they've already, um, allegedly committed? What do you do if your elected officials feel greater loyalty to their political party or the party machinery which got them (re) elected than they do to the ordinary voters?

". . . For many of us, the visions of Jane Fonda glibly spouting anti-American messages with the North Vietnamese and protestors denouncing our own forces four decades ago is forever etched in our memories. We must never let that happen again….

Well, again Mr. Cadmus, even Jane Fonda finally apologized for her trip to North Vietnam and for mugging with the enemy. Has anyone done that from the U.S. this time around? Certainly you're not suggesting Cindy Sheehan has?

"We had hoped that the lessons learned from the Vietnam War would be clear to our fellow citizens. Public protests against the war here at home while our young men and women are in harm's way on the other side of the globe only provide aid and comfort to our enemies."

Yes, Mr. Cadmus, the lessons of Vietnam. Lessons like should we engage in wars thousands of miles away against countries which, in reality, pose no threat to us? Should we attempt to prop up people who don't really want to fight, risking our own best fighting forces in the process? Should we stay the course to honor the fallen, or honor the fallen by not giving them more company? What about those lessons, Mr. Cadmus?

Cadmus advised: "Let's not repeat the mistakes of our past. I urge all Americans to rally around our armed forces and remember our fellow Americans who were viciously murdered on Sept. 11, 2001."

Mr. Cadmus, WTF? Are YOU making the connection between Iraq and 9/11, and based on what? Even the current Administration has been dragged kicking and screaming into the cleansing light of truth on that issue. Why do you still repeat that lie, too

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


This is not the face of Christianity. This is not what Christ advocated. This is what Christ warned those who would follow him, especially Luke 12:37-44, 16:14- 15; 18:9-14, and John 10:40 - 41, or at Matthew 23:1 - 3; Mark 12 : 38 - 40.

This is, unfortunately, the personnification of an unshakable element of Bush's diminshing support in this country. You've seen them. They've got an Excursion, a Hummer, a Suburban, no more than 2 kids, and on opposite sides of the rear window you'll find a fish sticker and a "W-04" oval. Probably a magnetic yellow ribbon on the back. Hear the voice of your spritual "Leader" people. Listen to him try to cower, cover and shift blame for his hateful, murderous cant toward the leader of another nation by blaming the media for misinterpreting him

Was it out of context? Yeah, listen to the recording and decide. Has he made dumb statements before? Like Terri Schiavo is curable? Like her husband probably killed her? Like pagans, atheists and gays "caused 9/11 to happen?" Okay, maybe he didn't say that last one - he just said he "completely concurred" with Falwell, who did say those things, right after the World Trade Center tumbled.

Faith is intensely personal. Religious organizations want people to evangelize their faith, but fail to recognize in large numbers that the most powerful evangelization flows from how one lives life, not merely by what one says. Robertson is a multi-millionaire, living an unapologetically comfortable and luxurious life. Add that to the things he says and "Christian" is among the last things he should be called.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


LOST constantly tells the kids "whatever you decide to be when you grow up, make sure it is something you ENJOY doing. If you like it, chances are you'll do better at it. If you are good at it, and enjoy what you're doing, you'll be very successful." When pressed for an example of what LOST was talking about, one man always stood out head and shoulders above the rest.

In our little corner of puberty-to-adulthood-passage that was high school, there were few real giants in our peer group. Out of LOST's graduating class there was only one guy who truly hit the trifecta - who was doing something that he dearly loved, that he was oustanding at, and who was making a good living. Ironically, I don't mean Jon Lindo, perhaps the other most famous one to come out of our grad class, though he, too, made it into a field for which he had a passion. No, the greatest, the luckiest man from my high school always seemed to be Joe Ranft.

Joe was a giant -really, he was over six feet, and he even towered over his little uniformed peers in 2nd grade at St. Greg's Bingo Emporium and Diploma Factory. Joe was even on the cutting edge of improvisation there - being sent outside the class room one day, then deciding to just take off for home on impulse. That incident made him a legend, though it doomed his chances of becoming an Alum.

We crossed paths again in High school, and his talents were just beginning to shine forth. An incredible talent for graphic art. A talent for acting, drama, comedy, you name it. And, that elusive talent for comedic genius. Who else would bring an accordion, a fake mustache and a leash for the geekiest kid in the class below and become the organ grinder and his monkey for Christmas Cheer Week? Who else could give a campaign introduction speech for a student body office candidate who fashioned himself after Frank N. Furter? He pulled off some comments in that speech that were both positively scandalous and raucously funny. He understood the disarming power of laughter in ways that some people three times his age could not.

Joe's talent bloomed at Disney, and his fingerprints are all over some of its biggest animated hits of the past two decades, from Beauty and the Beast, and Roger Rabbit to the Lion King. That was all before his work with Pixar, where his talent really shone both behind the camera and the microphone. He was "Wheezy" in "Toy Story," he was "Heimlich" in "A Bug's Life" and he wrote chunks of several of Pixar's biggest hits. The saddest part of the Disney - Pixar divorce was trying to figure out which side was gonna lose Joe's immense gifts. Whichever one it was, it was going to be glaringly noticeable.

It turns out that both Disney and Pixar will feel the loss, and therefore, so will all of us. Last week, a Honda Element ( a car that looked like something Joe Ranft would have drawn for giggles) carrying Joe and a couple of co workers left Highway 1 in Mendocino County, and plunged 130 feet down an embankment. Joe and one other passenger were killed. Since that day, the world is a little more sad, a little less funny.

Joe was an example cited frequently, not merely because of the odd sense of pride and envy inherent in "I knew him before he was . . . ," but also because he personnified the notion of following and living a dream, and parlaying talent into that holiest of secular grails, making a career out of something you truly enjoy. I want to believe that since last week, all the Angels have been a little less productive. Joe has got them cackling out loud with stories, voices, characters and everything else in his ample talent reservoir. Please remember Joe and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Monday, August 22, 2005


Twenty Six times in a twenty five minute speech did our Vacationer in Chief go to the "Freedom" well speaking in front of what should have been a no-brainer shameless honk of a crowd for anything this President would choose to say. A VFW Convention. Held in Utah. Salt Lake Freakin' City of all places, that bastion of Mormon Righteousness. But despite Freedom's absolute walkover of references to "September 11, 2001" (Freedom cruised to a 26-5 victory), the applause never got above the level of folks clapping aloofly for the no-name foursome on the cusp of making the cut in a PGA event that nobody over the next County Line cares about, and that only the 253 regular watchers of the Golf Channel know is taking place.
If Piggy Karl was a pitcher, and knowing that he must've thought deliberately about this one in that malignant lump of sodden undead tissue that is his brain, "aha a cultivated audience that we won't have to, um, cultivate", one would be tempted to say, out loud, that Karl is losing his stuff. Is it the looming indictment on the horizon? Is it that his deal with Satan is running down, so the magic is starting to wear off? Is it that he misunderestimated War Veterans and Utah residents - particularly their abilities to put down their Kool Aid cups long enough to notice that bitter almond smell in the punch bowl (finally?) Lost sure hopes so. You go Cindy. You're getting through to people. As the late Chick Hearn used to say, "The Mustard is off the hot dog"

Sunday, August 21, 2005


“Did you Hear ‘em talkin’ bout it on the radio
Did you try to read the writing on the wall
Did that voice inside you say I’ve heard this all before
It’s like Déjà vu all over again” John Fogerty/Cody River Music 2004

When John Fogerty penned and published that song last year, he was talking about Vietnam and its parallel to the Iraq war. Recent experience supports the argument that he was just as readily addressing the energy funk we’re in now.

All over the country we consumers have sat back helplessly watching as gas prices spiral upward ever more quickly with no relief in sight, while our fearless (feckless) leaders have been telling us that we should not expect any from the new energy bill, You remember that bill. – it’s the one that just gave the oil companies tens of billions in tax relief over the next decade. It was the “Energy policy” we just had to have. It was the energy policy fashioned by Cheney and a group of undisclosed industry insiders back in 2001. That group was the one which Cheney resisted disclosure of - all the way to the Supreme Court – even though groups from both sides of the political spectrum (the conservative Judicial Watch, and the left-leaning Sierra Club) wanted to know who sat on the decision making committee.

For those who have been really paying attention, That’s when Nino Scalia – Mr. Piety on the Supreme Court – thumbed his nose at conflict of interest rules which have applied to lawyers for decades – by going duck hunting with his pal Cheney at some oilman’s private Louisiana reserve WHILE the case was pending before the Supreme Court. For reference point, imagine going to court to fight your next unjustly delivered traffic ticket, only to find the judge, the D.A. and the citing officer poring over a photo album of their most recent golf outing together, one which was hosted by the company who makes the radar guns favored by your city’s finest. But I digress.

What’s happening with gas prices in the country looks suspiciously like what happened to energy costs in California in late 2000 and 2001. And just like that event, the Bush administration is doing exactly what it did during that crisis. Nada. Zilch, Bupkiss. Because extra money for the oil industry – windfall profits for big oil – is not a problem for Bush and friends. Its payback. Not just for the work of Texas oil “Pioneers” and “Rangers” from his two presidential campaigns. It is also helping out his long time buddies from the industry who “suffered” so much in the 80’s when oil was selling for less than 30 bucks a barrel.

Oh yeah, there’s a war on, and the Iraq oil supply production machinery has been harder to get back up and running. This was, you may recall, the oil infrastructure that was going to yield all the money necessary to finance Iraqi Reconstruction. So said Under secretary of State Wolfowitz in testimony before Congress two years ago. This miscalculation got him promoted to head of the World Bank. Sweet. Maybe he can give Neil Bush a job there overseeing the loan department. Neil’s prior banking experience – at Silverado Savings and Loan – would come in most handy. But in addition to Iraq supply uncertainties, we continue to hear more familiar sounding excuses, like our refineries are too few in number, so we can’t get all this oil processed. Boy doesn’t that sound like the song that was played all over California by the Enrons and the Duke Energies just 4 years ago. But remember all of that was Gray Davis’ fault – it had nothing to do with deregulating the energy industry.

What nobody talks about in all of this mess is how much pure, unadulterated profit from this price per barrel goes right into oil company pockets. According to the U.S. Department of Energy
, U.S. domestic oil production sits at 5.4 million barrels per day as of last year. Assuming an estimated per barrel price increase of $15.00 – very conservative by any standards, and U.S. oil companies are generating almost 30 billion dollars in extra revenues on domestic production alone – operations which are not themselves suffering from the increased costs of production one would associate with sabotage and global unrest ongoing near the infrastructure. Sounds like an industry that needs a big tax break, now, doesn’t it?

And if you listen to this administration’s justification for its new giveaway to the oil companies, I mean the Energy bill, they’ll tell you that we need to give them tax relief because those companies are going to help us develop long term solutions to energy independence. Sure, and we should give Philip Morris billions in tax incentives because they’re going to underwrite research to beat nicotine addiction and emphysema.

Monday, August 15, 2005


Spectrum Brands, the parent company of Bandini lawn products, announced this weekend that it was revamping its once ubiquitous marketing program involving "Bandini Mountain," by giving the landmark a much needed name change and make over.

"The Bandini Mountain ideal fit our country well for its time, which was a fascination with worldwide athletic competition," noted Spectrum CEO P.L. DeHeyerndeeper, in a rare Sunday morning briefing. "But we think that the 21st Century dawned and Americans have changed with the century. Today's American yard owner recognizes the importance of history and sense of National Identity. Spectrum is ready to meet that challenge, and that is why 'Bandini Mountain' will be forevermore known as 'Mount Slackmore.'"

When it re-appears in a full scale multi-media marketing blitz coinciding with Super Bowl XV in January, 2006, Mount Slackmore will be featured prominently in Bandini advertisements, which will be set to patriotic and martial music.

"Ours is a new American Century," noted DeHeyerndeeper, "and Americans will note right away that the skiers have been supplanted." Instead, in honor of President Bush's ambitious eclipsing of Ronald Reagan's record for days off while President, Mount Slackmore will prominently feature the bust of the 43rd President of the United States, fashioned completely out of steer manure.

"We're excited about the Slackmore concept, and what it will mean not just for our product line, but what it will mean for America," said deHeyerndeeper. "Frankly, this administration has come to personnify the essence of Bandini over the past five years: fertile, fragrant, exciting, and supportive of growth and development. If there were room at the peak - and of course fewer difficulties inherent in sculpting with this medium, we'd be featuring the entire Bush Cabinet on top of the mountain."

Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman was unabashedly pleased by this development. "Mount Slackmore is yet another step in the recoginition of our country of the significant contributions made to America's greatness by the Bush White House. We're still working on that Reagan dime, too. So many Americans have come to recognize that Roosevelt was little more than a drugged-out gimpy Socialist wimp who went to war to secure his tenure of office. Ronald Reagan was a true American hero. At the very least, if he doesn't make the dime, We're confident that the Spectrum folks will carve out his own niche on Mount Slackmore."

Friday, August 12, 2005


Two years to the day before he was senselessly ripped away from us, and at a time when he was toiling mightily against the crushing weight of his own grief, Robert Kennedy courageously spoke to a group of South African college students. Among the most eloquent things he said that day were the following:

"Few will have the greatness to bend history; but each of us can work to change a small portion of the events, and in the total of all these acts will be written the history of this generation. Thousands of Peace Corps volunteers are making a difference in the isolated villages and the city slums of dozens of countries. Thousands of unknown men and women in Europe resisted the occupation of the Nazis and many died, but all added to the ultimate strength and freedom of their countries. It is from numberless diverse acts of courage such as these that the belief that human history is thus shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance."

This evening, I listened to my wife and my youngest son discuss what Cindy Sheehan is doing in Texas right now, resolutely and stoically camping a few miles outside Camp Cornball, home of the Pretender President. I head my wife explain to my youngest son that his children may be reading about Ms. Sheehan, a grieving mother who has strived to turn her devastating sense of loss into a positive, the way that my children read about Rosa Parks. Or the way we read about Joseph Welch, the man who at long last called b*llsh*t on Joe McCarthy. But the truth of the matter is, anyone who has read the words of Bobby Kennedy, or who lived through the last years of his redemptive existence and recalls his words, has already acquired psychic awareness of Cindy Sheehan. She is one of those tiny ripples of hope; those who stand with her are as well. Those reporters who are courageous enough to report about her, who have started to question the corrupt odor emanating from the White House and the offices of several GOP Congressman, are more of those ripples. They are, starting from different centers, building a current. God Bless you Mrs. Sheehan. Let Perpetual Light shine upon Casey's soul, with Your Saints forever, for You are Merciful.


There's nothing like being told by the Morning radio news guy that your home town is just outside the top ten most conservative cities (over 100,000 population) in the United States. Well, that would account for all them W-o4 ovals still stuck to the back of them SUVs and pick ups - often juxtaposed next to a fish-sticker or two.

For purposes of retribution, I'm gonna get me one of those stickers that says "The last time Politics and Religion were enmeshed People got Burned at the Stake." And I'm gonna put it next to one that says "pray the Rosary." Always keep the lemmings guessing.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


It all started again yesterday. Can the ol' Alma Mater finally wake up and have a good season? Can the evil Empire across town be finally spanked down? Will Coach Dorrell go another full year without registering a reading on the BP meter? Being a Bruin fan is beginning to empathize with Charlie Brown when he'd go to kick Lucy's football.

Come on Bruins, put it together this year!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Karl! This was back when our team used to win games they weren't supposed to? Take a good look, its only a decade ago.


How could we let the day go by without acknowledging its importance in our history. As hard as it is to admit, there's almost a nostalgia for the days when a paranoid megalomaniacally intelligent Republican ran the White House - one who did actually initiate a few redeeming programs like the Occupational Safety and Health Administration , or the Environmental Protection Agency, while also being an enemy-obsessed, righteously crooked bastard.

Then again, maybe it was simply because there was a bunch of Democrats in the Congress who actually had not sold their spines to corporate Satans. At least not yet. Alas, we've got a bigger Dick running the show now.

"Oh Tricky Boy
the tapes, the tapes are telling . . ."

Sunday, August 07, 2005


Maybe its because my president is on a month long "camping" trip (again)
Maybe its because, other than the war, the tanking economy, the widening gap in trade and the gulch between the ultra rich and the rest of us, that this is the campiest administration to come down the pike in a long time. Or maybe I just feel like singing. This one's for the Falafel-sir King himself. God's gift, well, to all of us. Just ask him.

(sung to the tune of 'Kumbaya')

Someone's leveling Lord
Cut his Mike
Telling truth, m'lord
Cut his mike
Making sense m'lord
Cut his Mike

Oh quick, cut his mike

Someone's Bashing Bush
Cut his mike
He sounds rational
Cut his mike
He makes sense to me
Cut his Mike

Dear Lord Cut his mike

Ratings Plummeting
Cut his mike
off air diddling?
Cut his mike
Franken meddling
Cut his mike

sweet Jesus Cut his mike

Friday, August 05, 2005


This one's gotta be a fave in Bohemian Grove every July!!

("sung to the tune of "Big Rock Candy Mountain")

In the big Dick Cheney Mountain
You never tell the truth
There’s lots of time to spin your line
And there’s little that’s uncouth
("F**k off")

You snarl, sneer and glower
Till your black heart is content
You can blast
And scream
And twist
And twirl
And kill and maim
If it gets more erl
In the big Dick Cheney Mountain

In the big Dick Cheney Mountain
You’ve got no soul to sell
Cause you got the cash
Halliburton stash
And you’ve got both feet in Hell

You can carp on patriotic
And foul your enemies
You can Chop
And tear
Cause its war
Its fair
And you get to bank
While we all go tank
In the Big Dick Cheney Mountain


If it were baseball, not the presidency, this story would be about the highest paid player with the most time on the disabled list. It would be about the league leader in errors, or the ballplayer doing all the real dumb stuff off the field, like falling out of the tree while hunting, or slicing into a throwing hand finger while hedge trimming. Or the guy who thought he'd be okay because he was taking "Steeroids - you know, like they give to cows, not Steroids. See, there's a diffrence."

Nope, sadly it ain't baseball. That's our Brush-Clearer-In-Chief, taking 33 days off, making the 50th trip to his ranch of his 4.7 year presidency, and approaching Ronald Reagan's record for days off as President. Only Saint Ronald was beginning to battle with Alzheimers in the later years of his presidency and was in his mid 70's, AND took the whole 8 years to amass those unprecedented furlough numbers. Georgie's about to get there in five.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


What more do you need to know. Its a Special Election. The candidates are, at least from appearances Major Jack Armstrong and someone who seems to have been the cutting room floor inspiration behind the Blair Witch. Its the JAG against the Hag. Its got all the trappings of one of those reality shows a real battle of the sexes. Oh wait, that's a woman? Okay, Lost is getting kind of shallow about this but doggone it, its happened again in Ohio. Yes, a State named seemingly named for the Pawnee word for coma. Ohio, for all you blog fans out there who don't pay attention - both of you I mean - became the Deadwood of American politics last November. This was due in large measure to the confluence of corruption, the Axis of Electoral Evil known as J. Kenneth Blackwell, Walden O'Dell, and John O'Neil. The first guy, Ohio's secretary of State, was trying to out-Katherine-Harris Katherine Harris in erecting ticky tack barriers to voting by Ohio's demographically Democratic populations, first by insisting on registration applications only on certain minimum weights of paper, then by caging voter lists, and finally more insidiously by under cutting key Democratic precincts by giving them fewer voting machines, even when it meant that voting machines went unused in some counties and precincts. Speaking of Machines, Walden O'Dell is the CEO of Diebold, a company that made its fortune in ATM machines. ATMs, the machines that let you access your accounts for a fee and which always kick out a piece of paper telling you EXACTLY what you just did to your account? Well, O'Dell, who issued a GOP fundraising letter in 03 which stated that he was "committed to delivering Ohio's electoral votes to the President" in 2004, presided over the creation of a voting machine which, unlike their more famous ATMs, created no paper trail or receipt of any kind. Dozens of reports throughout the State reflected people who used these touch screen machines and noticed them register the wrong choice on screen. Finallly, John O'Neil is a bloated, misanthropically miserable old hack lawyer/lobbyist who had a bug in his gumpstump over John Kerry's Naval years. O'Neil captained the group of veracity-challenged guys called the Swift Boat Veterans, who assassinated John Kerry's character as a war hero.

Why all the background? Well, those three creeps helped engineer the fair and foul delivery of Ohio into the Chimp's column 9 months ago, and today it's apparently happened again. The crazy looking crone, who suddenly, conveniently and unconvincingly "forgot" about her ties to Ohio GOP Coingate scandal guy Tom Noe, beat out an Iraq War Veteran, a Marine with a family and a good, plain spoken message, in a Congressional District in Ohio's Southern end. Where does it end?
Somebody, please, take out electoral papers in 'O6 in this same District, under the name Braun Russet, a Republican. We'll have him attend candidate forums. He won't say much. His eyes will be open but he'll see nothing. Because he'll be a real Potato. Watch how many votes he gets in this District. Russet for Congress in '06!!!!!!

Oh, how I wish I was wrong.