This is not the face of Christianity. This is not what Christ advocated. This is what Christ warned those who would follow him, especially Luke 12:37-44, 16:14- 15; 18:9-14, and John 10:40 - 41, or at Matthew 23:1 - 3; Mark 12 : 38 - 40.
This is, unfortunately, the personnification of an unshakable element of Bush's diminshing support in this country. You've seen them. They've got an Excursion, a Hummer, a Suburban, no more than 2 kids, and on opposite sides of the rear window you'll find a fish sticker and a "W-04" oval. Probably a magnetic yellow ribbon on the back. Hear the voice of your spritual "Leader" people. Listen to him try to cower, cover and shift blame for his hateful, murderous cant toward the leader of another nation by blaming the media for misinterpreting him
Was it out of context? Yeah, listen to the recording and decide. Has he made dumb statements before? Like Terri Schiavo is curable? Like her husband probably killed her? Like pagans, atheists and gays "caused 9/11 to happen?" Okay, maybe he didn't say that last one - he just said he "completely concurred" with Falwell, who did say those things, right after the World Trade Center tumbled.
Faith is intensely personal. Religious organizations want people to evangelize their faith, but fail to recognize in large numbers that the most powerful evangelization flows from how one lives life, not merely by what one says. Robertson is a multi-millionaire, living an unapologetically comfortable and luxurious life. Add that to the things he says and "Christian" is among the last things he should be called.
After trying to deny what he said the day before, and trying to blame the media for distorting or misinterpreting what he said, Televangeliban Pat Robertson "apologized" for calling for the assassination of Hugo Chavez, saying he spoke in "Frustration" over the man's expressed concerns about plots to kill him and that "we should accommodate him." So, lets see, Mr. Virtuous suggested killing a foreign leader, then when the publicity was heavy negative, he lied about saying it, AND he falsely accused the media of sliming him by twisting his own words. He only apologized when he'd thoroughly made a drip of himself.
Where's his apology to the Associated Press? Yeah, don't hold your breath. NOT A CHRISTIAN, just a monetaristic modern day Pharisee.
Right on, brother!
Can you imagine the fallout if the Pope said something like this? All the hateful Christians, probably at the behest of Pig Robertson, would be rioting in the streets.
God help us!
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