My favorite paragraph from our Fearless (Feckless) Leader's 10 minute speech today on New Orleans:

"The Department of Energy is approving loans from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to limit disruptions in crude supplies for refineries. A lot of crude production has been shut down because of the storm. I instructed Secretary Bodman to work with refiners, people who need crude oil, to alleviate any shortage through loans. The Environmental Protection Agency has granted a nationwide waiver for fuel blends to make more gasoline and diesel fuel available throughout the country. This will help take some pressure off of gas price. But our citizens must understand this storm has disrupted the capacity to make gasoline and distribute gasoline."
They're already pillaging the country with ridiculously inflated prices on their own domestically produced crude, to the tens of billions of dollars. They just got Santa Dick's Energy-Policy-Bill-giveaway for tens of billions more in tax breaks. Now we cry havoc and let loose the dogs of toxic waste? Why don't we just paint a big Exxon Mobil logo on the White House. Or a yellow "Shell" on the Jefferson Memorial? When do y'all wake up? When its 5 bucks a gallon, and the death toll in Louisiana eclipses the death toll in Iraq?
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