Well, the Vacationer in Chief paid another visit to this little corner of the world today. Sixth trip in not quite 5 years in office. ALWAYS on a military base, as if the bravery and courage of those men and women might osmotically pass through them and into him. Fat chance.
Anyhow, like father like son. He was here to commemmorate the 60th anniversary of the Japanese surrender at WWII (oops, two weeks LATE!!!). Once when Poppy was Prez he gave a speech on a late Summer day and used this memorable line "September 7th, a day which will live in infamy . . . " Does calendar trouble run in this family, or what?
Anyhow, unconfirmed reports have the Slackinator talking about Iraq, its train wreck of a constitution, and the upcoming vote as showing a "sparkle of Victory." Then again, maybe he was quietly celebrating the anniversary (late by a few months, who's to notice) of another of his San Diego "Sparkle of Victory moments" on the carrier Lincoln.
For kicks and grins, Capitol hill blue is running a story (now about 6 days old, that suggests that this vacation stuff is, uh, maybe not, ah workin' so well this time. Its worth a look
oh, and dare I forget, a 31 minute speech which featured 34 "Freedoms" 10 "terrorists" 3 references to "September 11th," 12 "Liberties"
It's like a broken record of unimaginativeness.
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