ONE CRAA-ZY DICK Is it a bad case of jet lag? Was it that fateful decision to eat vegemite while sober? Or is it because, as a wise observer once penned “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely,” and that, at long last, the corruption has eaten completely through the last rationally firing synapse of the VEEP’s fevered brain? Whatever the reason, THE DICK has left little doubt among his growing cadre of deteractors and detestors, that he has crossed the Rubicon and into entered the expanses of insanity. In a recent photo opp appearance in Australia, The DICK lashed back at Iraq war critics, hailing the human destroying, money dissolving Iraqi Clusterf*ck without-an-end as a remarkable achievement
Then again, if one is cavorting with other loons (see picture) . . .
probably not jet lag.
Yeah, he REALLY said it, in this morning's Press conference. Just when you thought he couldn't sink to a new low in Presidential rhetoric, Dubya Delivers like Domino's.
DUMB AS A WHOLE SACK OF ROCKS Saint McCain - whose contorted positions on every important issue would qualify him to become the spokesmodel for "Twister," speaking to reporters - and reported by Yahoo news yesterday:
"By the way, a lot of us are also very concerned about the possibility of a, quote, 'Tet Offensive.' You know, some large-scale tact that could then switch American public opinion the way that the Tet Offensive did," the Arizona senator said.
Last month, an Associated Press-Ipsos poll found that 62 percent said the United States made a mistake in going to war in Iraq. Switch American Public opinion? To WHAT, O sainted one? Face facts, Senator. About three in ten Americans (the majority of whom live South of the Mason-Dixon line - the rest of 'em live in Riverside,San Bernardino, Kern and San Diego Counties) would stay sidled up next to this president if Cheney pulled off his mask and revealed his true satanic horns-and-ruddy-complexion to the world.
This same core crowd would back Bush if he wanted to invade Indiana tomorrow. That means, as a practical matter, you're worried about losing the other 8 per cent of the public over a "Tet" 2, when a supermajority already has realized that Iraq was stupid from the get go. Keep pimping the surge, John. The Fundiewingers ain't gonna vote for you - they're gonna "heart" Brownback - and he's "questioning" the surge and our Iraqi presence in an equally Quixotic quest to siphon off centrist voters, much the same way you're courting the Dukes of Hazzard crowd. You're both wasting your time. Plus, Jeez, your stealing valuable column inches from "American Idol" and continued coverage of the Ana Nicole Smith death-fest.
Well if you want to read the whole article - and LOST knows you should, you'll have to go here to do it, but for now enjoy a snipped or two of the righteous indigation inherent in being right all along about the epic disaster that Bush-Cheney steered us into in Iraq:(after quoting a piece from a November, 2003 Klein article praising JFK's genius for marketing the "Green Berets" as an exotic, attractive fighting force for freedom, and suggesting that Bushco should do the same for Iraq) So, to translate, here's Klein's take on the army in the post-Vietnam era:
After sending a generation of idealistic young whippersnappers off to war in Southeast Asia with snazzy new unis, we end up killing two million people from one of the poorest agrarian countries on earth, turning huge sections of North Vietnam as well as illegally-bombed Laos and Cambodia into permanent moonscapes, and sending 60,000 Americans home in body bags, with tens of thousands more coming back crippled, poisoned, or psychologically ravaged. We furthermore let it get out that we started the war under false pretenses and kept up the fight long after even the Pentagon knew the whole thing was a hopeless waste of lives and money. Beyond that, we dump deadly poison on 5.6 million acres of a state the size of New Mexico, creating conditions that would leave every hospital in South Vietnam filling storage rooms, for the next thirty years, with two-and three-headed babies in jars. Photographers like Phillip Jones Griffiths would come back decades later with horrifying galleries of thousands of twisted genetic freaks left to lie for years on mats in malarial villages...
And yet, despite all of this, the real reason idealistic young people from the fancy classes have not been rushing into the services in the years since then is because the army isn't offering them their own hat. And again, after listing a recent Klein blog post into which he injected the invective-pregnant canard that "leftists are rooting for the Iraq War effort to fail," there's this blast:Ok, to begin with, I'm just absolutely tired of this bullshit coming from people like Klein who insist that "leftists" are "rooting" for American failure.
Let's get this straight: there are no "leftists" in modern-day America. Or, rather, there about ten of them, and you can find absolutely every single one of them at the next antiwar or anti-anything protest in Washington; they all fit in one section of the park behind the White House, where you can find pretty much all of them passing out small stacks of socialist fliers, mainly to each other. These socialists are committed, dedicated, utterly serious political activists, which makes them absolutely atypical Americans, which is why there are so few of them.
The rest of the people that the Kleins of the world are calling "leftists" are mostly cautious consumers who watch a lot of Netflix movies, have maybe read Love in the Time of Cholera once or twice, and whose most aggressive step in the direction of socialism is a vote in favor of increased school spending. They might drive a foreign car, or willingly see a movie with subtitles. If that makes them "leftists," what word are we going to use for real leftists?Enjoy the article, and be comforted by the knowledge, dear handful of loyal readers, that we were right. You have a few minutes to do so, before we must turn our hearts, minds, souls and strength (Oh, S'ter would be proud) toward how to bring this thing to an end quickly, before the DC equivalent of BJ and the Bear start the tactical nuke two step in Tehran.
REQUIEM ETERNAEUM, FOURTH ESTATEAsk somebody anybody, LOST doesn’t care who, how the Scooter Libby trial is going. LOST dares you. Then ask the same person how many “Daddy” wannabes are lining up to claim fatherhood of the late Anna Nicole Smith’s baby. The sad fact is that, by the largest of embarrassing margins, people will know the answer to question 2, and most won’t have the foggiest notion of an answer for the first question.
The media is quits. Done. Except for a tiny cadre of modern day John the Baptists – crotchety old bastards like Jack Cafferty on CNN, or reformed sportscaster Keith Olbermann or maybe Mike Wallace on his good days – that is, when he’s not using his good days to figure out how to anonymously put a cap in that idiot son of his, all anyone is covering anymore is “what the people want.” Well, LOST says, who are these people? Who invited this simpleton rabble into our midst, and then handed them the reins for the airwaves? Okay, okay, if the lowest common denominator wants its own network, or two or three of ‘em, it can have MTV, Spike, or “E!” if they want. Hell, give ‘em the “Spice” network, too if they must spark their collective prurient interest (but only if they can define “prurient” after spelling it, of couse). IF they want print media aren’t “People,” “US WEEKLY,” and “The National Enquirer” enough? Do they really need “Time” and “Newsweek” and all the daily newspapers, too?
Yeah, LOST knows its not the dictatorship of the stupid, or just that. Its also the incursions by “Conservative media” behind the farcically outdated rallying cry of counteracting “the Liberal media.” Newsflash to NewsMax addicts: The liberal media hauled ass out of here on the last unicorn, chasing a herd of Buffalo. Between corporate-giant owned media outlets (all of the Major networks) and conglomerates owned by fascist Eastern Hemispheric foreigners (think “Rupert Moon”), nobody tells it like it is anymore. What are they afraid of us knowing?
WAITIN' FOR THE WORLD TO CHANGE Well, lets see. Every day of the Libby trial, more and more damning detail is emerging that makes it abundantly clear to all but the human doorknobs who worship Rush O'Hanitwit and The Savage Weiner that the Crawfod crime family put a hit out on Valerie Plame and used "Scooter" as a front man in the deal. Its as plain as the DICK's notes on a document in evidence that even the Nitwit in Chief knew, contrary to his numerous public statements professing, ahem, unawareness. Still, the liberal media's coverage - if you can call it that - is sparse at best, competing as it is with more pressing stories of the day, like "HEY, AMERICAN IDOL IS BACK!!!!!" and gee, "Miss USA loves her Tootskies." Those who can almost hear the faint fiddlings of Nero in the background while the country burns are not deluding themselves. This garbage is still going on.
Meanwhile, organized thugs passing themselves off as worshippers of the Greatest Pacifist ever known to man are busy sullying the airwaves and whipping up their sheep with idiotic lies - namely that coordinated gangs of taggers mingled with those America-hating, terrorist groupie Peaceniks, and defaced the Capitol mall - and were allowed to do so by DC Cops ordered to stand down by Nancy Pelosi. Now, LOST knows what you're thinking: If anyone would buy that story, it would be the tens of thousands of oafs who believe that Adam and Eve rode Dinosaurs to church, but sheesh, when does someone besides Keith Olbermann in the mainstream stand up like Howard Beale and Scream "BULLSHIT! ENOUGH ALREADY!" on these soulless, malignant bastards desperate for another dime bag of power and influence?
LOST hasn't even reached Tony Snow yet, a Foxtard's Foxtard to be sure, who today intimated that the U.S. Senate is implicitly cheering for 9/11 - 2.0. All this concerted effort to shout down Senators in the majority who, joined by an increasing number of their GOP counterparts are finally coming to the same realization that much of the electorate already has - The President is more than just a few sandwiches shy of a picnic, and that the famed undisclosed location frequented by Cheney might just have padded walls and no sharp objects in it, along with its inverted cross and pentagram throw-pillows.
Today's news is reporting that Preznit McFlightsuit is about to ask for another $100 billion "for Iraq and Afghanistan." Will he get it? Should it be given? Good lord you all know the answer. Its the same one hawked by Saint Nancy to a different class of abusers: . "Just Say No."