Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Saint McCain - whose contorted positions on every important issue would qualify him to become the spokesmodel for "Twister," speaking to reporters - and reported by Yahoo news yesterday:

"By the way, a lot of us are also very concerned about the possibility of a, quote, 'Tet Offensive.' You know, some large-scale tact that could then switch American public opinion the way that the Tet Offensive did," the Arizona senator said.

Last month, an Associated Press-Ipsos poll found that 62 percent said the United States made a mistake in going to war in Iraq.

Switch American Public opinion? To WHAT, O sainted one? Face facts, Senator. About three in ten Americans (the majority of whom live South of the Mason-Dixon line - the rest of 'em live in Riverside,San Bernardino, Kern and San Diego Counties) would stay sidled up next to this president if Cheney pulled off his mask and revealed his true satanic horns-and-ruddy-complexion to the world. This same core crowd would back Bush if he wanted to invade Indiana tomorrow. That means, as a practical matter, you're worried about losing the other 8 per cent of the public over a "Tet" 2, when a supermajority already has realized that Iraq was stupid from the get go. Keep pimping the surge, John. The Fundiewingers ain't gonna vote for you - they're gonna "heart" Brownback - and he's "questioning" the surge and our Iraqi presence in an equally Quixotic quest to siphon off centrist voters, much the same way you're courting the Dukes of Hazzard crowd. You're both wasting your time. Plus, Jeez, your stealing valuable column inches from "American Idol" and continued coverage of the Ana Nicole Smith death-fest.


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