Thursday, February 01, 2007


Well, lets see. Every day of the Libby trial, more and more damning detail is emerging that makes it abundantly clear to all but the human doorknobs who worship Rush O'Hanitwit and The Savage Weiner that the Crawfod crime family put a hit out on Valerie Plame and used "Scooter" as a front man in the deal. Its as plain as the DICK's notes on a document in evidence that even the Nitwit in Chief knew, contrary to his numerous public statements professing, ahem, unawareness. Still, the liberal media's coverage - if you can call it that - is sparse at best, competing as it is with more pressing stories of the day, like "HEY, AMERICAN IDOL IS BACK!!!!!" and gee, "Miss USA loves her Tootskies." Those who can almost hear the faint fiddlings of Nero in the background while the country burns are not deluding themselves. This garbage is still going on.

Meanwhile, organized thugs passing themselves off as worshippers of the Greatest Pacifist ever known to man are busy sullying the airwaves and whipping up their sheep with idiotic lies - namely that coordinated gangs of taggers mingled with those America-hating, terrorist groupie Peaceniks, and defaced the Capitol mall - and were allowed to do so by DC Cops ordered to stand down by Nancy Pelosi. Now, LOST knows what you're thinking: If anyone would buy that story, it would be the tens of thousands of oafs who believe that Adam and Eve rode Dinosaurs to church, but sheesh, when does someone besides Keith Olbermann in the mainstream stand up like Howard Beale and Scream "BULLSHIT! ENOUGH ALREADY!" on these soulless, malignant bastards desperate for another dime bag of power and influence?

LOST hasn't even reached Tony Snow yet, a Foxtard's Foxtard to be sure, who today intimated that the U.S. Senate is implicitly cheering for 9/11 - 2.0. All this concerted effort to shout down Senators in the majority who, joined by an increasing number of their GOP counterparts are finally coming to the same realization that much of the electorate already has - The President is more than just a few sandwiches shy of a picnic, and that the famed undisclosed location frequented by Cheney might just have padded walls and no sharp objects in it, along with its inverted cross and pentagram throw-pillows.

Today's news is reporting that Preznit McFlightsuit is about to ask for another $100 billion "for Iraq and Afghanistan." Will he get it? Should it be given? Good lord you all know the answer. Its the same one hawked by Saint Nancy to a different class of abusers: . "Just Say No."


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