Saturday, February 10, 2007


Ask somebody anybody, LOST doesn’t care who, how the Scooter Libby trial is going. LOST dares you. Then ask the same person how many “Daddy” wannabes are lining up to claim fatherhood of the late Anna Nicole Smith’s baby. The sad fact is that, by the largest of embarrassing margins, people will know the answer to question 2, and most won’t have the foggiest notion of an answer for the first question.

The media is quits. Done. Except for a tiny cadre of modern day John the Baptists – crotchety old bastards like Jack Cafferty on CNN, or reformed sportscaster Keith Olbermann or maybe Mike Wallace on his good days – that is, when he’s not using his good days to figure out how to anonymously put a cap in that idiot son of his, all anyone is covering anymore is “what the people want.” Well, LOST says, who are these people? Who invited this simpleton rabble into our midst, and then handed them the reins for the airwaves? Okay, okay, if the lowest common denominator wants its own network, or two or three of ‘em, it can have MTV, Spike, or “E!” if they want. Hell, give ‘em the “Spice” network, too if they must spark their collective prurient interest (but only if they can define “prurient” after spelling it, of couse). IF they want print media aren’t “People,” “US WEEKLY,” and “The National Enquirer” enough? Do they really need “Time” and “Newsweek” and all the daily newspapers, too?

Yeah, LOST knows its not the dictatorship of the stupid, or just that. Its also the incursions by “Conservative media” behind the farcically outdated rallying cry of counteracting “the Liberal media.” Newsflash to NewsMax addicts: The liberal media hauled ass out of here on the last unicorn, chasing a herd of Buffalo. Between corporate-giant owned media outlets (all of the Major networks) and conglomerates owned by fascist Eastern Hemispheric foreigners (think “Rupert Moon”), nobody tells it like it is anymore. What are they afraid of us knowing?


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