So its come down to this, "If you vote for Democrats, the Terrorists Win!" Having shelved "Stay The Course" up high, along side "Last Throes," "They Hate Freedom," "Greeted as Liberators" "Six Days, Six Weeks, I doubt Six Months," "smoking gun as mushroom cloud," and "Oil revenues will pay for the reconstruction," and having sent "we'll fight them over there so we don't have to fight them over here" on temporary Fall hiatus, the Chimpster has dusted off a moldering oldie to sing in front of his dwindling-yet-still-adoring throngs of hand-picked cerebral infarction victims. Hell, according to this article, he's even got them parroting off the widow Reagan's favorite ol' tag line of uselessness, "Just say no!"
For some, there just hasn't been enough death, dismemberment, and disconnect. Stay tuned, for the economic whisperings are that the fiscal feces is gonna hit the fan here shortly, and we're all gonna understand why you can't spend 2 billion a week on a 4 year war while you slash taxes in the same period, without hocking your soul in the process. For those living in the castles with adjustable rate no down loans and seconds, the water level is already starting to rise. Gee, LOST feels safer already.
Never, never NEVER sign a coach to a multi year extension after a great one year. What do you expect from a guy whose previous job was at a school wihout a football program? If Guerrero keeps his job, then UCLA will soon be just like UC Irvine, and its football program will dry up and blow away. Thanks, Coach Dullard.
You've institutionalized mediocrity and excuse-making. Please take the honorable road and resign. Today. Take your staff with you.
Come back. Skippy. All is forgiven.
ADAPT AND WIN!!!!! So that's it. The October surprise. Its a new slogan, and an animated denial of the old one that is choke-on-your-dindin funny. Or would be, if there weren't a lot of dead and maimed people involved. But wait! There's more! Now we've got General Casey - he's one of the Generals on the Ground the Preznit listens to - now saying that they can all come home in 12 to 18 months. Hmmmm, how many times did we say "no timetable 'cause that emboldens the terrorists?" Now we've got the constant change in response to tactics. Is there anyone above a fifth grade reading level in this country who can't see what's going on here? The crowd is leaving the show. Pouring out of the building in fact, and the stage talent is rapidly changing tune to stem the tide. Or is it even more cynical than that? Is this the 2006 answer to 1972's "Peace is at Hand?" Does anyone remember Tricky Dick coming up
with that one in the Fall of '72, a late innings effort which proved not only unnecessary - try as we might to believe otherwise, George McGovern was no Bobby Kennedy, and had his electoral keester handed to him - but also criminally false. The bombing over Christmas time in 1972 was so severe and intense that it surpassed any campaign ever held up to that point in U.S. History. All of which compels the question: What kind of horror-freak show are we as a nation in for if 50 % of our voting populace falls for this Carnival barker's trick now? is this the whimpering beginning of the Iranian campaign? The bombing of Syria? The nuking of Iraq? God only knows what the extremists in this cabal are considering as step next, following what they would no doubt consider an electoral vindication, if not a mandate.
So the message is clear. Get up and out and Vote, early if you can. Vote on a paper ballot. Then, help get as many people like yourselves out to the polls, so they can vote, too. Its time to neuter these self-helping, monetaristic bombasts so that they can do no more damage to our country itnernally or internationally in their final two years in charge. Its time to start cleaning up the mess of the biggest Frat party ever seen in this country. Time to clean House, and the Senate.
SUNDAY STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS Only 64 shopping days 'til Christmas . . . In the Valley a Chamber of Commerce day and a Golf outing to benefit school kids yesterday, and a round of golf with a smiling, laughing incredible shooter, who among other things made a golf ball skip like a rock across a lake . . . LOST was pleased, saddened and relieved to be part of the event . . . pleased to help out, and see so many others step up, too . . . saddened because he missed 59 minutes of great Bruin football . . .relieved to have missed the last minute
. . . Speaking of football - or at least Grid-irony, so NOW the President admits Iraq could be like Vietnam? Things must be getting really bad over there. Not that we'd really know here, since the coverage by the so-called liberal media has for three plus years resembled a televised football game - one with the cameras trained on the sidelines and coaches, not what has happened on the field - anyone who grew up and paid attention during the Vietnam war knows this. Will the Country switch gears and vote for change, finally? . . . Okay, how old is too old to "Trick or Treat?" LOST doesn't know for sure but believes that its before the year one becomes legally eligible to drive - especially when you're approaching NBA heights . . . the local morons continue to cheer and praise Councilwoman Wall Drone for her support of the "Full Employment for Constitutional Litigators Ordinance of 2006." LOST hopes that the voters of this city are not so insipid, but confidence is not high . . . insomnia sucks, especially when there is no good reason to be sleepless . . . multi-tasking should never include showering and shaving without a mirror - especially if the only available razor is one of those 99 cent disposables . . . I miss my pal CAMOON, but you can keep tabs on her at her delightfully eclectic blog . . . . anyone who still sports a "Bush-Cheney" sticker on his or her car should be given the High School Proficiency exam immediately, and those who do not score 80% or better should be bused out for immediate 4 year term service to clean up the Gulf Coast . . . its inexcusably pathetic that the mess still remains in the Crescent City fourteen months later . . .
CITY EATS SELF, FILM AT ELEVEN The City of Escondido will again this week discuss an ordinance to prohibit renting apartments and condos to "illegal aliens." Oh, but don't worry, its not going to be a witch hunt, because it will be "complaint driven." Oh, and don't worry, it won't be race-based, because any "complaint" about "Mexicans" or "Spanish Speakers" or pick-your-pejoriative-term-for-people-south-of-the-border won't be investigated- those complaints are "invalid." Gee, sure glad we fixed all the potential discrimination glitches with that language. No. How this will work is that someone, ANYONE apparently, can lodge a "complaint" about alleged "Illegals" living in an apartment, and the City's Business license division will then take it to the Federal Government (not sure who,where or what part of it yet) and ask them to "determine" if the complaint is true. Then if it appears to be, a charge will be issued to the owner of the building to prove residency of the challenged resident(s) or face suspension of the owner's city business license. Without a business license, once cannot legally collect rents or evict anyone. So simple right? What part of "illegal" can't you understand, right? How about the illegality inherent in the ordinance. It is illegal because it is unconstitutional. The only way for property owners to have any hope of compliance with this thing is to be proactive - to require "proof" of citizenship from renters. Now, ignoring for the moment who carries sufficient "proof" on them at all times (LOST for example, a pasty white creature from the nether reaches of Los Angeles County by birth and an non-world traveler has neither a Passport nor a recent copy of his now 4 and a half decades old birth Certificiate) who do you suppose will get asked more frequently for this "proof?" People surnamed "Smith," "Jones," "Thompson" or "Reed?" Or will it be people surnamed "Gomez" or "Hernandez?"
The minute that this starts to happen, that landlords and property owners start asking Spanish surnamed, darker skinned people for "proof" more frequently than Anglos, a disparate impact of the ordinance begins to fall on people solely because of their race or suspected ethnic origin. In these United States, that has been offensive to the Constitution since the days of President Garfield, (1880's).
The real pusher behind this Ordinance is a Councilwoman, Marie Waldron, who has made her ambitions for higher office most clear. She ran for State Assembly last Spring and lost. While doing so she received heavy support from the Minutemen, a group of middleaged Rush O'Hanitwits convinced that the Brown-gay-God-and-gun-haters are spilling over the border to create "Aztlan" and take back the West. Well, Waldron is again being backed by these deep thinkers in pushing this ordinance. Her speech in Council Chambers back on October 4, 2006 included a reference to her 55 "classmates killed in the World Trade Center in 2001" just in case anyone had doubts about her political motivations in this exercise.
But with a Constitutionality problem as big as Montana (LOST only touched on the 14th Amendment equal protection gurantee - this beast has problems with federal preemption and the "Supremacy clause" of the Constitution as well), pushing this ordinance into "law" will do nothing more than line the pockets of whatever outside law firm the City hires to defend its circled wagons at $250 to $300 an hour. The City will be burning up cash at an alarming rate, to watch this ordinance go down in flames. The densest of the dense in the City will turn and blame the ACLU in unison, all on Talkradio cue, but in truth will have only themselves to blame. This immigration situation is a mess. It needs to be addressed as a problem, with a multifaceted solution, on the Federal level. The City should arm twist and bug the Federal Government about it. The nitwits should (pay someone to help them) write their congressmen and Senators repeatedly; if they won't take action, vote new ones in and keep them on a short leash. Encouraging vigilante style local government is a doomed exercise.
NOW BACK TO, 'DIAGNOSIS MORON,' Starring DR. FRIST Check this out from today's International Herald Tribune::
QALAT, Afghanistan U.S. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said Monday that the Afghan guerrilla war can never be won militarily and called for efforts to bring the Taliban and their supporters into the Afghan government.
The Tennessee Republican said he had learned from briefings that Taliban fighters were too numerous and had too much popular support to be defeated by military means.
"You need to bring them into a more transparent type of government," Frist said during a brief visit to a U.S. and Romanian military base in the southern Taliban stronghold of Qalat. "And if that's accomplished we'll be successful." Can anyone smell a "cut and run" here? The Senate Majority Leader is tossing in the towel on the war we should have been fighting. Is he still cheerleading on the one we shouldn't be fighting? How very Schiavo-esque of the Video Diagnostician to do this. Will this article run in a U.S. paper? Not if it will bump another Baby Suri story, or the "truth" about Anna Nicole's Love Child. HOLEY MOLEY FONDLIN' FOLEY is about all LOST can muster
SUNDAY STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS LOST has rediscovered the importance of hair as a body temperature regulator . . . going without it is cosmetically honest, but thermodynamically havoc-wreaking . . . is the Mark Foley story sick enough yet, with the number of his GOP Frat brothers who knew but kept quiet increasing dramatically, and the skidmarks of the media like Brit Hume hurriedly rushing to remind people of Democratic sexual escapaders past, as though one justified the other, or that pedophilia and sexual dalliances between adults were the same thing? Is there anyone out there (like LOST) sadly reminded of the 2002 scandal breakage in the Catholic Church, and wondering why ANYBODY would be dumb enough to think that covering up this ichor is a good idea? Then again, it couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of thieves, rogues and crazed partisan Presidential boot lickers, now, could it? The Prez could simply flex his newly bestowed, near plenary powers to declare these pages and the reporters covering the story as giving aid and comfort to the terra-ists, and "Poof" they could just all disappear . . . Never saw a Pennant clinched the way the Padres clinched the NL West today, tune into your local station and watch what happened in the Arizona home half of the 9th . . . Another Bruin victory that was just, frankly not very exciting on Saturday. Not difficult to understand why they're not on TV much . . .anybody else read that article from the LA Times in June, where the climatologists opined that So Cal was stuck with high heat until "October?" Well, we made it, you warped weathermen, Where's our Fall weather?You can send the last two weeks of our heat to the Northwest, LOST is sure they'd appreciate it . . . LOST's very own adopted home town is about to embark on a stupid and ridiculous exercise this week, by forcing rental property owners (anyone owning more than 3 units) to verify the citizenship status of their tenants, or face suspension of their business license. This law is preempted by Federal jurisdiction, and it is unconstitutional on Equal Protection and Due Process grounds as well. It reads like it is neutral, but any prospective tenant with brown skin and the wrong surname will be exposed to it rigorously, while the rest will not; that's textbook discrimination. It will cost the City of Escondido a fortune in legal fees to defend and ultimately lose this case. The City Attorney should offer to resign if the law does not hold up in court. So should the grandstanding pols in the City Council - two of whom are 30 days from the election - if they enact this stupid, ill-conceived ordinance. Every single one of them should offer to underwrite the expenses which will be incurred fighting the litigations which will emasculate this ordinance . . .