So that's it. The October surprise. Its a new slogan, and an animated denial of the old one that is choke-on-your-dindin funny. Or would be, if there weren't a lot of dead and maimed people involved. But wait! There's more! Now we've got General Casey - he's one of the Generals on the Ground the Preznit listens to - now saying that they can all come home in 12 to 18 months. Hmmmm, how many times did we say "no timetable 'cause that emboldens the terrorists?" Now we've got the constant change in response to tactics. Is there anyone above a fifth grade reading level in this country who can't see what's going on here? The crowd is leaving the show. Pouring out of the building in fact, and the stage talent is rapidly changing tune to stem the tide. Or is it even more cynical than that? Is this the 2006 answer to 1972's "Peace is at Hand?" Does anyone remember Tricky Dick coming up

So the message is clear. Get up and out and Vote, early if you can. Vote on a paper ballot. Then, help get as many people like yourselves out to the polls, so they can vote, too. Its time to neuter these self-helping, monetaristic bombasts so that they can do no more damage to our country itnernally or internationally in their final two years in charge. Its time to start cleaning up the mess of the biggest Frat party ever seen in this country. Time to clean House, and the Senate.
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