SUNDAY STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS Only 64 shopping days 'til Christmas . . . In the Valley a Chamber of Commerce day and a Golf outing to benefit school kids yesterday, and a round of golf with a smiling, laughing incredible shooter, who among other things made a golf ball skip like a rock across a lake . . . LOST was pleased, saddened and relieved to be part of the event . . . pleased to help out, and see so many others step up, too . . . saddened because he missed 59 minutes of great Bruin football . . .relieved to have missed the last minute
. . . Speaking of football - or at least Grid-irony, so NOW the President admits Iraq could be like Vietnam? Things must be getting really bad over there. Not that we'd really know here, since the coverage by the so-called liberal media has for three plus years resembled a televised football game - one with the cameras trained on the sidelines and coaches, not what has happened on the field - anyone who grew up and paid attention during the Vietnam war knows this. Will the Country switch gears and vote for change, finally? . . . Okay, how old is too old to "Trick or Treat?" LOST doesn't know for sure but believes that its before the year one becomes legally eligible to drive - especially when you're approaching NBA heights . . . the local morons continue to cheer and praise Councilwoman Wall Drone for her support of the "Full Employment for Constitutional Litigators Ordinance of 2006." LOST hopes that the voters of this city are not so insipid, but confidence is not high . . . insomnia sucks, especially when there is no good reason to be sleepless . . . multi-tasking should never include showering and shaving without a mirror - especially if the only available razor is one of those 99 cent disposables . . . I miss my pal CAMOON, but you can keep tabs on her at her delightfully eclectic blog . . . . anyone who still sports a "Bush-Cheney" sticker on his or her car should be given the High School Proficiency exam immediately, and those who do not score 80% or better should be bused out for immediate 4 year term service to clean up the Gulf Coast . . . its inexcusably pathetic that the mess still remains in the Crescent City fourteen months later . . .
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