He's still dead, can we please stop talking about Michael Jackson? Human beings are not pharmaceutical disposal units . . . The heat is back in San Diego County, after a June Gloom good enough for 2 years . . . it's gonna be a long, hot one, even with the nascent talk about an El Nino brewing for the Winter . . . another epic visit with the in-law extended wing of the family, a bunch more fun and an obligatory return to the nagging question of what the hell is wrong with LOST's brood that they can't do this, too . . . 2 months and counting before the oldest of the LOST sons heads off to college, and he's landed a real job, too . . . back to the world/nation, leave the President alone . . . not six months in office and people are actually pissed that everything isn't fixed yet . . . eight years of Claudius and Caligula take some time to clean up . . .