Few things sober up Holiday revelry, or bludgeon us with the reality of our earthly mortality like mayhem upon little children, or a serious health problem to a beloved brother - be well John . . . speaking of Holidays, LOST has no qualms about "Happy Holidays" as a greeting of choice - because it is inclusive, because "Merry Christmas" is too narrow, an implicit suggestion that all the outward bling and allinner good cheer and charitable, heartfelt feelings must be shoved back in the same box come Boxing Day, never to return until Black Friday next, and what a world would that be, after all ? . . . Saint Francis of Assisi had it right when he counseled, "Preach the Gospel at all times, use words when necessary" - and in case anyone was wondering, words used on a bumper sticker doesn't really count, either . . . Nothing more gratifying than passing tired horses in the back of the pack, is there, Chargers? . . . Wayne LaPierre, since you asked to be so designated on "Meet the Press" today, yes, You. Are. Crazy. Armed guards in every school in America is not only a costly overkill, it is no guarantee for solving the problem of crazed shooters, any more than training one's emotionally disturbed son in the use and target-shooting of various firearms is a good idea, either . . . let's go over the "Cliff" Mr. President. The schlocks on the other side of the aisle have steadfastly refused to acknowledge that they lost the election, and that among other things, this election was a referendum on letting the tax cuts for the 2% - ers expire, so deal with it Boehner and McConnell . . . meanwhile in the Toy Department, Jim Mora turned out to be last years Christmas gift of the year - at least for Bruin fans, so Happy Holidays to all, and Happy Holiday Bowl to the Blue and Gold crowd, especially . . .