. . . Just another Ordinary Time Sunday in the liturgical calendar, but a time to re-tell the Loaves and Fishes Miracle . . .a shame our local priest had to turn it into a filibuster about the poor "giving" to create a miracle; it smacked of a tired collection plate sales pitch when it shouldn't have . . . It isn't that Mitt Romney is a snarky, smug jerk (like the last Republican President), it isn't that he's super rich and boring (like John Kerry), or that he's a member of a pushy younger religion which many people think of as a cult (although its pretty weird). The truth is, he's just not saying much of anything, and campaigning at about half speed - as if to say he doesn't really want the job either . . . if it wasn't enough to have BP ads about the Gulf of Mexico making it sound like the best thing that could ever happen to your little tourist trap was a massive oil spill, now BP is claiming to sponsor USA Athletes in the Olympics held in London. If Corporations really are people, BP would be on charges of treason for that, now, wouldn't they? ....After watching the opening ceremonies it is abundantly clear that Sir Paul McCartney should stop publicly singing - or at least stop charging any money for it . . .Happy birthday Dad . . . you'd have been 88 today if you were still around . . . Neil Young had it wrong: "Dust Never Sleeps" . . . if speech is really free, why are so many billionaires trying to spend a fortune on it every time we get to "silly season?" And speaking of which, why is the Silly Season getting longer than baseball season. Will the MLB front office not be satisfied until Game 7 of the World Series, forecast for blizzard, is forced to promote "Donner Party Night" in order to attract fans? Sometimes you just wanna skip to the last chapter and find out how the story ends . . .