Believe it folks. When an empty headed blowhard like Chris Mathews equates bin Laden's "latest" tape with Michael Moore, when Bill I-don't-have-any-no-I-don't-remember-any-no-I-don't-know-that-I-have-any-HCA-Stock-now-let-me-go-back-to-video-diagnosing-comatose-people Frist smugly proclaims Samuel Alito the "Liberals worst nightmare, when a cadre of useful media idiots swing into synchro-babble while being directed by the hateful Dick on why warrantless spying on people is a big boon to us all, when a 23 year old paranoiac like Andrew Jones proudly goes public with his innocuous sounding organization "Bruin Alumni" which is enticing UCLA students to track and report on so-called radical professors, and when the Democratic party leadership except for a small committed few (Conyers, Dean, Gore, and sometimes Boxer) lower their heads and grab their ankles, you can tell its election season. Grow some spines! Drop some 'nads, people!
Where are the gutsy Democrats? Where are the people willing to stand up and fight? The people willing to harangue against the creeping Orwellianism that the GOP has become in this country? Spying on people without having to get an easily obtainable warrant is wrong - all the time - no exceptions. Saying that the President merely has to say a few words at a bill signing ceremony and this exempts him from following the law is wrong - all the time - no exceptions. Trying to haze people with contrary opinions out of academia is wrong - all the time - no exceptions. Why does "conservatism" wilt so readily when confronted by contrary viewpoints? Such debate ought to make someone's beliefs stronger, by forcing one to critically analyze and evaluate. That, apparently is "hard work," though, I suppose, Particularly when there is so much brush to clear at the Ranch.
Crediting this administration with "tough effectiveness" in the war on terror because "its no coincidence that we haven't been hit again" is wrong - completely - no exceptions. If they get credit for "keeping us from a second 9/11, don't they also get the blame for leaving bin Laden on the loose? Al-Zawahiri? Don't they get scarred for all the truthless hype we were confidently fed about Iraq? We're bubbling under the the mark of dead civilians from 9/11 in the Iraqi misadventure - another year like the last one and there'll be just as many dead GIs as there were fatalities in New York and D.C. that awful day, not to mention the thousands of other casualties. Not to mention the hundreds of billions spent on the Iraq debacle - into which we were misled by these malingnant humans, and not to mention the fact that we're now staring at Iran - expanding its nuclear efforts, and our military has been stretched and worn in Iraq. The marriage of incompetence and arrogance by this bunch is unparalleled. But it goes unchecked by the failure of the majority of Democrats to stand up and loudly label it for the bullsh*t that it all is.
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