Yes, Pride goeth before the fall, so say the wizened. For weeks the press has presented hype-a-licious articles about how many Trojans would be leaving school early to get NFL riches, or who was most Hollywood-like, or who rubbed elbows with whom, as if to say "all we gotta do is show up, and we'll beat those bumpkins from Austin."
As it played out, Texas was as fast a team as the Trojans had seen all year. None of the big play offensive types made anything really spectacular happen - no real big play heroics for TDs. Yes, the Trojans scored 38 points, but none of them came easy. And Reggie looked very very average in this game. Yes, this Bruin fan still wants him outta town by April, no doubt, but he ain't going into the NFL as the Second coming of Walter Payton or Barry Sanders. He's not even LaDanian Tomlinson.
Yeah, LOST shouldn't have bet 20 bucks on $C and given the points. Yep, LOST wishes the Bruins coulda done this. Karl, take notes. The "hurry up" offense kept these guys on their heels. You need to recruit good footspeed - especially on defense. Remember this stuff for next November/December, okay. But also, it was well worth 20 bucks to watch these guys fall off their stupid horse. The only thing that could possibly make LOST happier would be finding Pete Carroll's number in Jack Abramoff's rolodex. Hey, it could happen.

All of the executives (most of them USC alums) cleared outta here yesterday at 3:00, anticipating a grand victory, no doubt. It's a morgue this morning. I'll bet they're all still home crying into their high-powered breakfast cereals!!
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