The Republicans are seriously going to run this sycophant, this lisping. faux-Black woman as their candidate in 2008? Well, bastions of the Right like Dick Morris seem to think so. Then again, Dick probably is hoping to get in some hot toe-sucking action with the Secretary soon. Geez, Dick, you may not be her type.
Rice (LOST refuses to call her "DOCTOR") made her academic claim to fame studying the Soviet Union, an entity extinct everywhere except in the fevered mind of Vladimir Putin. In fairness, Putin's probably not been the same since he let Bush "get a glimpse of his soul." Making Rice Secretary of State made about as much sense as Ford hiring the designer of the Chevy Vega as Director of Engineering. Wait, that's probably happened recently. Making this woman President, leader of the free world when her most consistent behavior since completing grad school has been kissing the asses of men named Bush (Please, no editorial comments about the poly-redundancy in the preceding sentence) is a scornfully ridiculous idea, unless of course the country is really being run by a consortium of Halliburton, Lockheed Martin and Diebold. Yep, I know, it proably already is, so we should all start saying "Hail Condi" right?
GAWD I Miss Nixon!
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