From the hardly "librul" US News and World Report web site 1/14/06
Neither Cheney nor President Bush plans to make that mistake [not campaigning agressively for the war ] again ( AGAIN? WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN? AS IN, . . . maybe IRAN?) . In an interview with U.S. News, Cheney said, "You do have to keep a sustained campaign going. There's no question about it. Last fall, obviously, there were a lot of other items on the agenda. We went through the whole exercise with Katrina and the hurricanes and disaster relief and so forth that was, I suppose, a bit of a distraction (Yeah, DICK, the worst natural disaster in recent U.S. History in which thousands were killed, and thousands - especially a lot of dark skinned poor people lost everything, but that's a D-I-S-T-R-A-C-T-I-O-N in your mind.) But it is important to try to maintain public support for what we're doing out there."
On the road stumping for the administration's Iraq policy, the veep says he gets a good reaction almost wherever he goes. "I find when I get out around the country and talk with people about it, that most of the ones I interact with are very understanding and very supportive(Gee, I'm just guessing here, but could that have something to do with hand-picking the audiences, or only speaking in front of the local chapters of the "Heritage Foundation" and the "Council on Foreign Relations?". Nahh, probably just a coincidence ) That doesn't mean, obviously, that everybody agrees with the policy. Clearly, there are a number of folks who don't Yeah, DICK, we number in the high 50's to low 60s as a percentage. . But I think if they have time to think about it ( if we could just get 'em all to watch Fox News) , presented with the question, 'Do you think we ought to immediately withdraw from Iraq?' I think the vast majority of Americans would say no. ( that's what these shameless jerks always do, skew the debate to cast opposition as an absurdity. No one's saying send over the planes right now and evacuate, and you know that, you soulless, unfeeling bastard )"

But Cheney–apparently hoping to lower voter expectations in advance of the midterm elections in November–is warning that there are big challenges ahead in Iraq.
Two thousand six "is sort of the test now in terms of what the Iraqis can put together," Cheney said. "They're in the midst of negotiating on what the new government is going to look like, but they've got to be able to put together an effective government, a government that obviously takes into account the needs and wishes and desires of the broad diversity that we find in Iraq( but about which I couldn't give a tinker's damn here at home), but also one that's capable of taking these forces we're training, the security forces, and using them effectively to defeat the al Qaeda that are there." ( Gee, DICK, those would be the Al-Qaeda that our military presence there attracted, right? Since you know so much about what they're doing and what they need to accomplish, DICK, how's bout you putting in a months long stint over there to help 'em set things right? The Iraqis would probably benefit from such an omniscent American presence in their midst 24/7. Yeah, I know, you have 'other priorities')
Still, Cheney believes 2005 will be seen as "a watershed."
"The Iraqis met every single political milestone–elections in January, wrote a constitution in August, ratified it in October, new national elections in December. I think when we look back 10 years from now that '05 will have been a seminal year, if you will, to the development of democracy in Iraq." ( Kinda like the "last throes, if you will, of the insurgency," too, eh DICK? )

Dickie boy is proof of that old adage "only the good die young."
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