Thursday, May 25, 2006


The big story tomorrow will be that Preznit Flightsuit is now admitting mistakes, like regretting his "cowboy rhetoric" after 9/11 that "was misinterpreted in other parts of the world." HOW ABOUT THE FACT THAT SUCH COMMENTS GOT SOME OF OUR PEOPLE KILLED (anybody remember "bring it on?") Oh, and just in case anyone is predisposed to give the Decider some brownie points for contrition, take a look at this photo from the Joint press conference with Tony-the-lame-duck-Blair where all of these supposedly frank admissions and expressions of misgiving were made, and ask yourself this question: is that an expression of contrition on his face? Or is that the smug smirk of the only guy in the room who's thinking, "heh heh heh, I think they're buyin' it. Great Idea, Turd Blossom?"


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