Saturday, May 27, 2006


So, you think that the approval ratings are spiraling downward, that Bush finally (though much too tardily) was forced to make an almost mea-culpa the other day about the war, that Katrina blowback and his complete and total inactivity on gasoline prices , a failure to draw down troops, the failure to diplomatically engage Iran, the ever widening scandals in the GOP Congress are all combining in a perfect storm of outrage and disgust which will sweep the garbage out of D.C. and neuter this President and his vile, malevolent puppet master VP? Think again.

While all these uglier stories about Cronyball are getting some long overdue traction in the minds and psyches of the general public, thanks in part to small fissures in the corporate groupie-ness that is the Main Stream Media, this kind of crap is still going on in the background: lifetime appointments to Federal appeals courts, where the most significant experiences held by the appointees read like this : " Kavanaugh, the White House staff secretary, was an assistant to independent counsel Kenneth Starr during the impeachment probe of President Clinton and he worked on behalf of the Bush campaign during the election recount in 2000. "
Federal judges are appointed for life, or as someone much wiser than LOST put it years ago, they are subject only to the "Dead girl/live boy" rule. That is, they stay in office forever, or until they're caught in bed with a dead girl or a live boy. This Brett Kavanagh, recently cemented in place in the D.C. Court of Appeals - the intermediate step between persons taking legal issue with official acts of the Executive Branch and the Supreme Court (with its 4 confirmed Bushills already in place) held the cloaks for the Clinton haters in the latter half of the 90's and was among the scream-shouters trying to prevent recounts in vote-scandal ravaged Florida. In other words, exactly the kind of non-partisan individual one would want to fairly,dispassionately examine claims of Presidential impropriety from a legal standpoint . . . NOT!

Yeah, LOST could rail on about a moon-faced neo-nazi creep like General Hayden being confirmed as CIA director - notwithstanding his recent (within the past 4 months) televised attempt to rewrite the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution in congressional hearings, but at least Hayden can be fired removed or pressured into stepping down by the next President. Unless someone's got a truckload of the aforementioned bed mates (and a comprehensive address book), we're stuck with whatever ideological wingnuts and whackjobs this Administration chooses to install - and the spineless Congress fails to resist - in the Federal courts for decades. Much like the fire hose in the title, you may be able to block some of the crap, but more than its share is gonna blast on through and muck up the joint.


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