Thursday, May 25, 2006

Yep, in today's Chicago Sun Times, the Reverend hits a nerve, twice, and then splits it open for all to see, and he sets out exactly what the GOP has in mind for its 2006 election theme. The gay marriage thing isn't going over so well again, the war progress is in the wrong direction, the economy is roaring - but only if your wealthy, and every week there's another crooked congressman being caught with cash stuffed in his pockets, commodes, refrigerators - wherever. So, here's how Jesse lays out the Rovian strategery - that is of course, once we get past the part about keeping himself out of prison:

I'd say let the RNC run the fall election on the issue of saving Bush's neck. 'This election isn't about you,' Republican candidates would say, 'or your jobs, your skyrocketing health care and gas costs or your stagnant incomes. And it's not about the country being mired in a costly occupation of Iraq, saddled with record foreign debt, accelerating outsourcing and a $1 trillion trade deficit this year alone. No, this election is about George Bush. Vote to protect him and Dick Cheney from accountability. Vote Republican. We may not do much for you, but we'll keep George Bush and Dick Cheney above the law' . . .
. . . White House political guru Karl Rove suggests that Republicans run this fall by creating a choice: Democrats will raise your taxes, cut and run from Iraq and impeach the president. Republicans will defend the president's tax cuts and economy, keep troops in Iraq till at least 2009, and keep the president above accountability. Let's have Rove's election. It surely would help Democrats take back the House.
You tell 'em Rev!


At 3:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, every once in a while that Mushmouth makes sense.


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