Perhaps the most telling things about American society out of whack center around the Holidays. The haves and have mores consume like drunken sailors on Pearl Harbor layovers. The wreckage strewn Christmas tree lots on the 26th, still sporting in some cases dozens of unsold trees, and the obligatory post Christmas trash day spectacular- when neighbor upon neighbor lines up 3, 4 or 5 loads of boxes and paper and bottles and cans full of throwaways. To some very small degree this can be seen in the neighborhoods of the less fortunate, but nowhere is it more apparent than in the affluent avenues of this little burgh - and places like it to be sure. "Abundance rejoices," indeed.
Still, as the year draws to a close, and the sun sinks in the West along with GWB's poll numbers - hell, even our local TV news broadcast a story that "Brownie You're Doing a heckuva job," was the Bush Utterance of the year - a short list of fond hopes for 2006.]
For LOST's immediate fam: perspective where it is needed, compassion where it is lacking, understanding where it has been absent, strength where weakness has held forth, perseverance in place of pessimissim, contrition to supplant complacency, and forgiveness were anger has held sway.
For the local community: an awakening of critical thought and analysis as this District chooses the heir to the Duke-Stir. For compassion in dealing with the plight of the powerless and poverty stricken in our own locality.
For this State: Increased emphasis on education, the revamping of infrastructure, and the responsible stewardship of the environment, especially the coastal areas, and waterways
For Dick Cheney: a wiling donor for a real soul and a compassionate heart. Failing that, for some measure of restraint in expressing falsehoods. Failing that, a trip down Agnew memory lane.
For Mike Brown, former head of FEMA, a years long stint in the Peace Corps, preferably in the most backward of third world nations.
For Patrick Fitzgerald, the smoking guns necessary to remove Karl Rove from his malignant pursuit of greater power and influence.
For Karl Dorrell, some HIgh School seniors who can get great grades, and who L-O-V-E to hit and tackle ballcarriers
For Pete Carroll: an unprecedented offer-you-can't-refuse from the San Francisco 49ers;
For Pope Benedict XIV, a big box full of humility, to be freely shared with the College of Cardinals
For Congressional Democrats, spines, spines spines!!!!!!!
For Bill O'Reilly, Michael Savage Weiner and Ann Coulter: chronic laryngitis
For Rush Limbaugh: inpatient, orange-jumpsuited drug rehabilitation - - in Leavenworth
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