The nearly endless fountain of compassion that is the Bush family burst forth with another torrent of love for the less fortunate, when Clan Crone Barbara Bush, channelling Marie Antoinette, had this to say about Louisiana storm victims being temporarily relocated to the armpit of Texas, Yewstun:
everyone I’ve talked to says we're going to move to
Houston. What I’m hearing which is sort of
scary is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is
so overwhelmed by the hospitality.And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this--this is working very well for them."
After all, they're just poor and black, right Bar? Practically good-for-nothing?
They are Americans, you callous old hag, same as you. You won't be, but you oughta be ashamed to go out in public for months.
OK, I agree with your point that Barbara Bush said something that at best was inappropriate and at worst was stupendously insensitive (mostly showing how out-of-touch she is with ordinary Americans). But describing Houston as the armpit of Texas is unfair and implies something less than first-rate being offered to the victims of Katrina. The generosity of Texans should not be discounted because of dumb comments by a former First Lady.
Truth be told, Lost has never graced Houston with his presence, having visited only the Big D, Amarilla, and San Antone. The latter gets the prize for the most religious and porno TV channels on the same cable plan in any jurisdiction ever visited - very weird juxtaposition.
Having said that, Mrs. Lost has visited Yewstun, home of Enron, and describes it as a "gray, depressed city." Given those two facts, and the fact that a number of the Dominican uber nuns who terrified Lost at an early age hailed from Yewstun, the armpit comment stands.
And no, I wasn't baggin on Texas' generosity. I just wish they hadn't felt compelled to share dubya with the rest of us. That one ya coulda kept to yourselves.
You are right on about Barbara, but your dead wrong to characterize Houston as the armpit of Texas. It's a nice city with beautiful parks and great people. You really ought to spend some time there before you generalize. You are being as narrow minded as the folks you are critizing.
Houston is not a grey depressed city. It is so much more than that, but I don't think I can change your mind. And while GWB likes to call hiumself a Texan and people like yourself generally go along with it because he's lived here for many years, let's not forget the President is really little more than a carpetbagger (a born-and-bred Connecticut preppie, a connected Connecticut Yankee), who went to Texas as a young man to seek fame and fortune. Of course his business ventures didn't work out, so at the age of 40-something he turned to the family business of politics and the rest is, well, history.
okay, okay, "armpit" is merely an opinion, and one that is lacking in some background. Moreover, I do appreciate the reminder that Bushie is about as much a real Texan as John Wayne was a real cowboy. Points well taken.
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