(sung to the tune of “Camp Town Races”)

Oh, Crawford Moron sing your song
Doo Fus Doo Fus
On vacation way too long
Oh Doo fus day
Goof around all night
Garble every day
Play dis guitar wif de flood
Til Cheney save dah day
Oh, deep water comin down
Doo Fus Doo fus
Send in FEMA two twin clowns
O de doofus day
Fund rai-sin’ all night
Do nuf-fin all day
Play dis guitar all day long
Til Sheehan go away
Oh spin machine she movin fast
Doo Fus Doo Fus
Blame the Mayor blame dem blacks
Oh Doo Fus Day
Ride mah bike all night
Photo opp all day
When you people gonna wake up
And send mah ass away?
They don’t want you to see the horror they allowed to happen.
They don’t want to play the “blame game” unless you want to blame others
They don’t want to admit how screwed up things are, or that they had plenty of warning and did exactly the opposite of what a prudent leader would have done.

Why did we impeach Clinton again? Oh yeah, something about a cigar and a stained dress. How many’d that kill again? That’s what I thought.

Very clever. I have never been more embarrassed to have GWB as president of my country. All along we've known that he is not particularly curious, that he is not well read and only gets information from carefully screened briefings fed to him by his handlers; and that a fundraising dinner was apparently more important than cancelling all plan to go directly to ground zero of an enormous disaster to help calm a frightened population and mobilize assistance. You know, that leadership thing. He then gets beaten over the head with reality and what does he do? Wax nostalgic about fellow millionaire Republican Trent Lott's slightly water-logged home and how he looks forward to sitting on the porch again someday, all the while thousands were climbing on roofs and swimming in flooded streets, frantically hoping for rescue. How clueless and indifferent to suffering could a person possibly be? It's a natinal disgrace.
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