Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Well, despite the resigned pessimism expressed by some knowledgeable folks on the progressive side, Ned Lamont's upstart campaign has completed the unseating of mealy mouth Joe Lieberman from the Connecticut Senatorial delegation. As of last evening, it appeared that Lamont had indeed won the Halley's Comet of Democratic primaries in the State, 52% to 48% over Lieberman, who in recent years has become synonymous with walking in lockstep with President nitwit in support of the biggest collection of errors, mistakes and screw ups in U.S. foreign policy history. So much so that buttons depicting the now famous "State of the Union kiss" were in high demand down the stretch of the campaign.

So what now? Does Lieberman quietly concede and then fade away into retirement? Write a book of virtues? Help the homeless? Offer his services as a special envoy to the Middle East? Study the Talmud? Volunteer for "Habitat for Humanity?"
NO, no no, no, no and no. Joe Lieberman - as he did in 2000 when he accepted his party's nomination for Vice President AND simultaneously sought re-election to the Senate - is setting a course for consummate selfishness and is running for the Senate as an Independent. Ignoring the sea change inherent in his Primary rebuke, Lieberman is now going to risk handing over his seat to a bona fide Republican who will curl up into a ball into the satanic lap of Dick Cheney and company as if to say "whatever you like," when it comes to foreign policy. Lieberman does not see this as a problem, of course. But in doing this he is ignoring the will of the majority in his nominal party - the very same people who put him that seat for eighteen years before, and supplanting his will for that of his constituents. Joe, the people done spaketh. You backed the wrong dog in the fight, you've lost fair and square, and you need to go away, quietly. And the rest of you Democratic church mice, you need to recognize Lamont's victory for what it is - another indicator that the American public is indeed awakened to the reality of the mess that is Iraq and who created it. Its time to hammer those points home - along with loudly repeating how this fiasco was packaged and sold to the country by this conniving bunch of amoral slugs who themselves avoided war time service like the plague. Stand up and do it DCCC and DSCC!


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