Sunday, March 12, 2006


Here, its beginning to feel a lot like Christmas - three bloody weeks from Spring . . . yesterday felt like a winter day in Colorado, hail, sleet, heavy rain and gray all around, the perfect weather to test-drive new cars (NOT!) . . .has anyone else noticed that new auto dealerships are beginning to resemble casinos - without the booze, games or fun? Oh, but like their emulated models, the house still wins big all the time! . . . So Dubai Ports World takes the Bush tush out of the frying pan by selling off its port operations - to Halliburton? . . . Mr and Mrs. LOST spent some time "phone banking" for local Congressional underdog Francine Busby yesterday, come to find out that a disturbing number of Dems either have no idea of, interest in or appreciation for the idea of a Dem holding the 50th District Congressional seat. Sheesh! . . . Tom DeLay gets a reprieve in Texas, proving once again that the Loyal Order of Cheese Sandwich Partisans is strongest in the Lone Star State . . .no, I didn't know that its "Hard out there for a pimp" and wish that I was still blissfully ignorant. Must've been a whole lotta songless movies last year . . . the only thing worse than buying a new car at a dealership is having an existing car serviced by one. How can you tell if your "Service Advisor - read commision paid salesman" is lying to you? His lips are moving . . . the Madness awaits, and this dyed in the wool Bruin has an outside chance of seeing his beloved team play in a tourney game this week, if the "Selection committee" obliges and sends 'em to San Diego . . . getting older means that muscle strains last at least a week to 10 days, minimum . . .


At 9:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you were test-driving BMW's, I will no longer read your blog.



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