Sunday, March 05, 2006


Does any conservative guest ever answer the questions on Meet the Press anymore . . . John Edwards honestly said "sorry" nearly 3 times for his vote to authorize force in Iraq - was John Kerry, or Dick-I-still-haven't-said-"Sorry"-for-shooting-Harry-Whittington Cheney watching . . . The Bruins are Pac-10 basketball champs again, the last one was before we needed to know what the definition of "is" is . . . little league baseball continues to bring out the worst in every adult who watches it . . . what exactly is the point in acquiring more stuff when we cannot manage, maintain or enjoy what we already have . . . few things are more loyal that a good dog, and few things are more suddenly noxious that canine flatulence . . . if ten people could just corner Bill O'Reilly, encircle him and chant "Keith Olbermann and Al Franken" to him, O'Reilly just might do his Margaret Hamilton impression and dissolve away . . . if "Brokeback Mountain" wins Best Picture, will Don WIldmon and William Donahue stroke out? . . . Was "Crook" Cunningham serious when he pathetically asked the judge "if you just let me go . . . I'll be the best American anyone can be, ever? . . . Come Tuesday, Texas voters can make Tom DeLay a political irrelevancy, hope they're smart enough to realize that . . . I guess Spike Lee doesn't like Condoleeza Rice very much . . .If the Chevrolet Suburban is "An American Revolution," does that make the Ford Pinto "an American Hindenburg?" . . . does your local shopping mall look like a ghost town lately? The 3 level palace of consumerism in this neck of the woods has been quiet as a tomb lately . . . I'm gonna miss Robinson's-May - the merger that created it more than 10 years ago was a terrific move, but hey, I liked Broadway much more than Macy's . . .funny how a little bit of rainwater can spark growth in lawn grass . . .


At 9:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so bummed about the Robinsons-May/Macy's merge! You're right - The Broadway ruled.

But I am sooooooo glad "Buttcrack Mountain" didn't win Best Picture.

At 7:05 PM, Blogger lostnacfgop said...

oh, and though its Tuesday now, another point worth rambling about . . . why do automobile service shops have to engage in the hard-sell-haggle process in dealing with the public, especially (still) women? When a "Service advisor" says "I'll give you a deal" - its time to grab hold of your wallet or purse and duck and cover, as Mrs. LOST can attest to - most recently.


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