Okay, okay, Jimmy Lohman's recent contribution to Buzzflash gets credit for this inspiration, and let's face it, he probably got some of his from spending formative years reading "MAD Magazine," but there are even more of these that could be extended . . so LOST's appear betwixt and between Jimmy's fine effort.

You are more upset about Brokeback Mountain than Abu Ghraib.
George Clooney and Alec Baldwin are Hollywood Loonies, but my how you love Mel Gibson and Bruce Willis
You can’t stand Hilary Clinton’s hair but you have no problem with Tom DeLay’s.
Condi is a wonderfully cerebral woman, but Barbara Boxer is a crazy B*tch
You think Global Warming is no big deal but environmentalists are a major problem.
You're convinced that teachers' unions have destroyed public schools, rather than the mass exodus to the private schools by upwardly mobile "haves" and "have mores"
You support the "war on drugs" but think Rush Limbaugh is being prosecuted unfairly.
You're convinced that Bill Clinton murdered people who got in his way even though he was never charged, but that Karl Rove and and Scooter Libby deserve a presumption of innocence
You think professional athletes make too much money but Sam Walton’s kids deserve everything they have.
You think union workers have priced manufacturing jobs out of the U.S. Economy, but that CEOs of lagging corporations like Ford and GM deserve to make 7 or 8 - figure salaries
You like the way George Bush walks.
The mere mention of the name "Clinton" makes you viscerally shudder
You think Al Gore is "wooden" and Donald Rumsfeld has charisma.
You admire Alberto Gonzales' legal acumen, but think Janet Reno was a dyke-puppet
You think CNN is biased but Fox News is neutral.
You think all of the Network News outlets are pinko-liberal run, even though they're owned by major corporations
You like the sound of Newt Gingrich’s voice.
You'd like to muzzle Ted Kennedy

You are sure the United States has the best education and health care systems in the world.
You think that the millions of uninsured are just lazy, cheap or "illegals"
You think Dick Cheney is a straight shooter.
You think Howard Dean is rabid-crazy
You think Michael Chertoff’s beard makes him look distinguished.
You Thought Tom Daschle was smarmy-slimy looking
You think the problem with our health care system is lawyers.
You think Cindy Sheehan is giving aid and comfort to terrorists
You think it was more important to locate Monica Lewinsky’s blue dress than to locate weapons of mass destruction.
You think that we're winning the war in Iraq
You don’t believe "terrorism" has made Rudy Giuliani an incredibly rich man.
You believe that Michael Moore hates America, but that Ann Coulter is just being "funny"
You believe freedom of speech covers everything Pat Robertson says and does, but burning a flag should be illegal.
You believe that the Federal Government did all it could to help New Orleans out with Katrina, but that the Mayor and Louisiana Governor gunked things up there
You can be in the same room with Brit Hume.
You think Dan Rather is a commie, and your not so sure about that Brokaw character, either

You have yourself convinced that the country and world are better off now than 5 years ago.
You think that the Average American owns a home and at least two SUVs
Come on, my 3 or 4 Loyal readers, play along. You know you can think of a few more of these . . .!
Me, Me, I'll play!!
You think Illegal Drugs are harming the society, unless the CIA is running them.
You think Pat Robertson calling for the Venezuelan Presidents murder is a Christian, but Cindy Sheehan calling for Peace is a terrorist.
You think "Freedom on the March" is a good thing, unless they're marching for Freedom on the White House Lawn.
You believe that 1% of the population should rule 99% of the country, and 20% of the vote should represent 80% of the voters.
You're absolutely certain Halliburton deserves 9 Billion Dollars...for SOMETHING.
You've gone over Joseph McCarthy's speeches and substituted "Communist" for "Terrorist", then had a latte and a good laugh.
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