Yeah, its a headline grabber all right. Take out the name - a living secular-saint in conservative circles - and plug in Maureen Dowd, or Paul Krugman, or Michael Moore or (recently on Smarmy Hannity) Alec Baldwin or Ronald Brownstein or Robert Scheer and you get a trite Repub-neanderCon talking point for FNC and talk radio mental midgets all over the country. Don't expect to hear the Savage Weiner say this about Buckley . . . well, okay, that guy would say just about anything, bad example. El Rusho de Oxycontina won't utter this line, ditto Falafelboy, and don't look to hear Ollie or Gordo the rat-eater say it, either. But when Buckley says this, mark ye well, and hearken back to the day when LBJ had his legendary post-Tet Offensive Epiphany - "If I've lost Cronkite, I've lost Middle America." No, crass and curmudgeonly, tricky and nefarious, LBJ had nine times the smarts that the current WH occupant has, plenty enough to realize when the bubble had burst. We're not gonna be so lucky this time, no doubt due to the omnipresence of so many loud louts like the aforementioned, each of whom will get their dutiful fax from Rove-Norquist and begin spewing in unison the latest in diversionary language. Nevertheless, here is an excerpt, from a whole column that is worth the read:
" 'I can tell you the main reason behind all our woes — it is America.' The New York Times reporter is quoting the complaint of a clothing merchant in a Sunni stronghold in Iraq. 'Everything that is going on between Sunni and Shiites, the troublemaker in the middle is America.' . . .One can't doubt that the American objective in Iraq has failed. The same edition of the paper quotes a fellow of the American Enterprise Institute. Mr. Reuel Marc Gerecht backed the American intervention. He now speaks of the bombing of the especially sacred Shiite mosque in Samara and what that has precipitated in the way of revenge. He concludes that 'The bombing has completely demolished' what was being attempted — to bring Sunnis into the defense and interior ministries."
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