Thursday, March 02, 2006


Hey Wing-nuts! How many people got killed by that stain on Lewinsky's dress? Yep, I know the answer already. Just testing.

Here's a great idea. Remember in the 90's when police departments conducted sting operations to get at large felons, by putting out the word that some big sport event was happening, and inviting all the outlaws to the arena, only to greet them with warrants, cuffs and jumpsuits? Well, this time the invites go not to felons, but to the felony-stupid. Yep, I'm talking about the simps and cretins who are so ignorant of reality that they still proudly display their "W-O4" ovals on their car. Each person still pimping for Bush or Bush Cheney gets invited to a big GOP rally of the faithful held all over the country. WE could call it "Freedom is on the March SUnday" and stage them simultaneously. All those with the "ovals" still on their car, upon arrival, are given 2 pairs of rubber gloves, some scrub brushes, a bucket, some disinfectant, and a ticket to the Gulf Coast, with a 6 month hitch on Katrina clean up. Anyone with a Bush sticker and a Yellow ribbon on their vehicle gets a crew cut, some desert cammies and a plane ride to Baghdad with accommodations for 12 months. Anyone with a "Bush Cheney 04" sticker gets an adult sized bird suit, a six pack of Lone Star, and a non-refusable invite to accompany THE DICK at the Armstrong ranch.


At 2:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Both Orange and San Diego counties would end up as populated as Death Valley. And there'd be no evangenitals around afterwards to cry, "Rapture!"

At 2:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you left out Riverside, too, luv. Bring on the tumbleweeds and the coyotes, WOO HOO

At 3:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

....and the trailer parks....

At 11:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Evangenitals will always be around! They're the greatest band in the world. In fact, they're probably the only one's that can save us all from the evangelicals. Fight fire with fire, baby!


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